Becoming A Sage - Summary

Juan Cruz Giusto
By Juan Cruz Giusto in Personal Development -- [Main],
The next level vision is becoming a Sage. You should be always asking how can you get the most out of life! Ask yourself “what is the best life possible for a human being?” This answer is available to everyone of us but no one taught us. The greatest human beings on earth were not entrepreneurs, celebrities, athletes, political leaders, CEOs, engineers, nor academics, nor self-help teachers; THEY WERE SAGES AND MYSTICS. Great for us is who is getting the most juice out of life, not the status and money and stupid stuff. What does it mean to be a sage? They are people like Buddha, Christ, Heraclitus, Socrates, Marcos Aurelius, Confucius, Rumi, Yogananda, Ghandi, Ramana Maharshi, The Dalai Lama, Osho, Sadhguru, Ken Wilber, Peter Ralston and so on. It is not a matter of success or achievement; it is a quality of self-mastery (not a meditation master but a TRUE MASTER OF BEING HUMAN, A MASTER OF UNDERSTADING REALITY AND LIFE). These people can really enjoy life as it is. Key qualities of a sage: -          Commitment to Truth -          Commitment to Consciousness, Goodness and Love and embodiment of them effortlessly -          Turn inwards to transform themselves -          This is well beyond enlightenment Vision of The Modern Sage We are taking Eastern Nonduality and we are paring that with the Ancient Greek Philosopher and a bit of artist/scientist. It is the modern Renaissance Man. He had mastered consciousness, but he has also a deep conceptual understanding of life and reality too. It is a union of the left and right brain and you don’t want to do it in a way that you are living in a cave but you use your understanding of the world to solve real world problems. YOU ARE IN THE WORLD. You are highly creative and productive. What a Sage is not He is not a smart and cold intellectual or academic who lives in theory. A sage is not an ideological crusader. How to become a Sage? The vision is more important than the how. You will figure it out in the process. If you have a strong and juicy vision, the how will solve by itself. START WORKING ON DEEPENING THIS VISION! Set your top value as Truth and Understanding (Truth for Truth’s sake). A radical turning inwards is necessary; you will need to free yourself from materialism. Also, there has to be a purification of your body, mind, emotion and habits. As you turn inwards, you will develop a strong energy body. It means that you can take emotions that are coming and you alchemize it, you convert them into love and Truth. Also what is required is massive theoretical learning. Osho read 150,000 books! Sometimes people think that they should only meditate because reading books is bullshit but this is really misguided. There is much more understanding to be had beyond enlightenment. You will need to look for the juicy knowledge. Exploring non-ordinary states of consciousness is crucial for the sage (you can do this with psychedelics, special breathing or meditation techniques and so forth). Being creative is important for a sage; listening to that muse and living that out, benefiting the world (the Life Purpose Course). You will also need to develop unconditional love and compassion for the suffering of others. Also, to become a sage you will probably want to help others raise their awareness and that will definitely merge with your Life Purpose, one way or another. Be careful because there are tons of ways that awareness can be raised. WE NEED PEOPLE TO INFUSE THESE CAREERS, FIELDS AND BUSINESSES WITH CONSCIOUSNESS AND AWARENESS.   This vision is not for everybody. Objections What about Life Purpose? Don’t take becoming a sage or enlightenment as stopping you from having a life purpose. That would be failing to embrace paradox. Enlightened people are the most alive human beings on earth and purpose drive people ever! The Life Purpose teaches you how to be creative and create a career; find that! You don’t want to be enlightened and working on 7/11. You want to be enlightened and creating stuff, self-expressing! Becoming a sage is a personal purpose, don’t confuse it with career purpose. All of this is an illusion? Why work on that? Don’t get this wrong. To master yourself you need to take this enterprise really fucking seriously. You have to be after understanding, not success. Since this is a difficult goal, you will need a longer term horizon (10 years +). What is the other alternative rather than becoming sage? You have no better alternative than becoming a sage!
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