Reply to This week - I swallowed the Black pill ... I'm not sure if I can go back

By flowboy,
@Striving for more No more pills for you sir, you've had quite enough And we all know mixing is dangerous. Good on you for not clinging to disempowering worldviews.   I could give you some input on your latest pill, but that would cause you to overthink even more about "what is true". This is a fundamental mistake. Adopt a paradigm and it will become true. Because of confirmation bias, RAS (Reticular Activating System) and Law Of Attraction, how you decide to see the world is what you will see more and more evidence of, and what your subconscious will then move you towards so you take actions that make it more and more true, without you even knowing it. (Example: if you believe there's something wrong with your face, then you will unconsciously send signals with your body language and vocal tonality that make her believe that something's wrong with you) Therefore: Be aware that you can choose any paradigm that you can (learn to) believe, and it will dramatically shape your life and alter its course Choose wisely   I hope that wasn't too abstract for you. This is my recommendation: take back control Get off youtube or reddit or wherever you find your "pills". Unsubscribe Roll your own. What do you want to become true? Ex: "Women love me", "I am handsome", "I have an abundance of hot girls waiting for me to talk to them", "I am naturally attractive", et cetera et cetera Write between 3 and 10 affirmations and read them to yourself every day and night.
Phrase them in a way where they feel somewhere between believable and unbelievable. This limit will stretch.
If the "I am" form feels too inauthentic, use "I'm becoming". That is powerful stuff. Don't get sucked into other people's views if they don't make you feel relaxed. Many people are unconsciously addicted to feeling anxious, and they will spread anxiety-provoking worldviews. Don't even give these the time of day. All conclusions that can be expressed in words are ultimately false, anyway. Watch what happens after a couple months of doing this... This is the basics of Psycho-Cybernetics, a book you might want to check out