Reply to Self Development To Do List

By soos_mite_ah,
Logistical To Do List 
Bolded Items are things to focus on right now for the next 2 months  Figure out what you're going to do regarding study abroad, your foreign language requirement, and your graduation date and the implications around those decisions Meet with the study abroad office (1 appointment)  Language Oral Proficiency Tests (1-2 appointments) Meet with career center to discuss resumes and study abroad (2-3 appointments) Get a hair cut and buy some clothes because your things are getting worn out and you look a mess lol. Line up a job or at the very least narrow down your career path for after graduation (again, doesn't have to be something you're super passionate about or that is aligned with your purpose but it needs to be something that has enough money to be financially stable, enough benefits so you feel like you have peace of mind, and relatively chill so you have a moment of stability)  Get a job on campus or near school to get the money to pay for a deposit for a future apartment after graduating, potentially moving out of the country, or just for savings in general. (figure things out by seeing how spring semester goes as far as course load is considered) See if you can get a research fellowship by applying in the spring (work on maybe during winter break)  Hopefully have some plans to travel on your own (whether that be study abroad or right after graduating)  (keep in the back of your mind) Maintain the friendships you have and go out and make new ones if that's how things work out. Check in with yourself at the following times:  Right before spring semester starts (so around Jan 15)  March 15 2022  May 2022