Green youth who "go orange" as they get older

Lews Therin
By Lews Therin in Personal Development -- [Main],
Hello, i am currently reading the spiral dynamics book, and one thing puzzles me. People who, as youth were apparently green (fighting for human rights and etc) and as they get older, they seem to "go orange" finding orange jobs and calling the new youth as "young idealists" and saying that "when you get a job you will understand the real world". There seems to be quite a lot of people following this pattern, and actually, there is even an example of that in the book, right in the beggining, where they mention a human rights activist from london who, after some time, gets a job in marketing i believe and becomes more or less your standard orange type. Unfortunately, after that, they haven't mentioned said example anymore. I know there can be regressions, but it seems to me they tend to have a reason (wich so far, this one hasn't beem explained) and be somewhat temporary (Most of the people i know who "went orange" are orange to this day, with maybe some hints of green here and there). So, what are your thoughts on this?
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