Reply to Is there a way out of suffering?

By PopoyeSailor,
Dear @0bserver,  Note: My knowledge is only Intellectual. Yes, ultimately everything is just an imagination like a water in the mirage. You are right on that point. But, it seems that you think that reincarnation as an experience with-in this imaginary reality does not happen at all. May be you haven't watched the videos I posted. Please do watch them. They don't cease to exist. People do remember some details sometimes. Some yogis do remember many or all of their past lives. But, to intentionally remember all of such lives with all the details require deep meditational practices with the same intention.  After death, only the Annamaya Kosha(physical body made from food) dies, The other subtle coverings like Pranamaya Kosha(Energetic), Manomaya  Kosha(Mental), Vignyanamaya Kosha(Intellect), Anandamaya Kosha(Causal body whose nature is love and bliss) continue to exist even after death. Together all these 5 kosha(s)(Sheaths/Coverings) are collectively called as Pancha Koshas. Pancha means 5. They dissolve only after non-dual realisation, that too only after physical death of the body. In Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna has the same dilemma and asks Krishna: Arjuna: If one follow the path of spirituality and follow all good deeds, but die before attaining Moksha(liberation/enlightenment) what would become of that person's fate? wouldn't they lose everything and have to start again from the scratch in their future life?  Krishna: Such saintly person will go to heavenly abodes of gods based on their worship of such gods, and having exhausted their good karma there(positive karmic tendencies - along with the desire, knowledge and belief of such abodes) in such abodes, will come back and take rebirth again here on earth(Having been forced by the karma that is based off of earthly experiences. - Also, doesn't mean always has to come back to earth) either in an aristocratic family or in a saintly home. Will again continue the same work from where they left off previously(the knowledge that was learned previously also has to be relearned. But, this time that portion of knowledge comes naturally and learned very easily without any hiccups. Rarely, some people may remember(Some of it or all of it) naturally without having to relearn everything) Nothing that has been gained spiritually is ever truly lost(Memory of it may not be readily accessible, but as a development in the psyche as a properly aligned goal with the absolute truth, always remains permanent).  Mystical awakenings some times give you experiences that are tailor made to the person having them, due to social and cultural conditioning. But, at other times might cause realizations regarding fundamental truths which are true and real for any person of any social or cultural backgrounds. Reincarnation is one such fundamental truth which some times is experienced as a mystical experience even during deep meditation. But, because of knowledge of such truth not being taught in the said culture, one may try to explain it and treat in a way that makes sense in that particular culture / society(Some times in such cultures, such experiences may be wrongly treated as a case of possession, or a medical condition or other such and it'll curtail the spiritual growth of that individual, even causing unnecessary mental problems in his//her life). But, those societies / cultures which have long known about such truths and having studied them for thousands of years, can recognize it right away for what it really is and treat it appropriately. Just take a look at reincarnation research that's been happening for quite a few years now. It shows proof of reincarnation in almost all the major cultures, irrespective of their beliefs. I believe, the truth of reincarnation must have been known to almost every culture at one point, it only got lost recently in some cultures because of invasions, take over, propaganda and other such factors. May be reincarnation is a factor in this reality we are in. May be there are other realities which doesn't have reincarnation. That also seems plausible. 'What is and isn't possible within an imagination'?