Reply to Insane Potential of Deep Hypnosis (Astral Projections, Enlightenment,...)

By GreenWoods,
How to reliably have OBEs If you want to induce an OBE (lucid dream, astral projection or soul travel) you need total body relaxation, then wait till you are in sleep paralysis then usually wait for the vibrations and then you can exit the body. You need your body to fall asleep while your mind stays awake.This is very difficult. Even if a beginner manages to do that, it will usually take more than an hour. Even for advanced people it takes usually 10-30+ minutes and doesn't have a 70+ success rate for most. I believe Hypnosis is the key. And there are 2 ways:   1.Esdaile State If you are able to enter the Eadaile State you have won. If you have anchored it you can enter it in less than 10 seconds. Thus you also immediately have perfect body and mental relaxation, more than what is required for OBEs. Most importantly you are very deep in trance, and you are already somewhat disconnected from your physical body, so it's relatively easy to induce an OBE from there. Particularly if you are in REM. Just set several alarms during the night which turn themselves off after a few seconds. Upon awakening, you go into the Esdaile State, then you should almost immediately perceive the vibrations and then be thrown into an OBE. The success rate should be very high. If you do a WBTB then it should also be very easy because you are in or close to REM. Doing it during the day will probbaly take a bit longer but should also be easy with practice. The problem is, there is close to no information about it anywhere. And I'm not there yet so I can't talk from direct experience yet. But Marco Lorenz says that you can very quickly induce OBEs from the Esdaile State even during the day. It is also possible to anchor the disconnect from the physical body, the shifting of your consciousness into a etheric body. So in case you have difficulties inducing OBEs from the Esdaile State during the day, then first practice during REM and anchor the disconnect.   2. Anesthesia and Amnesia First of all I would use hypnosis to achieve the body and mental relaxation needed for OBEs.  A stepping stone to OBEs is sleep paralysis, so why not fake it with catalepsy?  Even more powerful: Induce whole-body anesthesia (inability to feel/sense your body). Then it should be easy to get into the natural sleep paralysis. One more step would be to induce body amnesia, so that you have forgotten that you even have a physical body. But you need perfect anesthesia for this to work, or you would need to be distracted from your physical body like through visualizations. The nice thing is, that the body, mental relaxation, anesthesia and amnesia can - just like every hypnotic phenomon- be anchored. So you can induce them within a few seconds once you have them firmly anchored. If you want you can make a script including them.     OBE Visualizations and Dimensional Shifts Visualizations can be seen as a bridge between the physical world and other worlds. If you want, you can visualize yourself being in a visualized/etheric body somewhere else once you are in the Esdaile State or have your body in anesthesia (and amnesia). Here I wrote about turning visualizations into full OBEs: Now I write an upgraded version. 1. Before you start the visualizations, go into the Esdaile State or have your body in anesthesia (and amnesia). 2. make the visualizations more powerful through what I call dimensional shifts. I got the idea from Marco Lorenz, he calls it Phasenverschiebung. But I have improved the concept.  worlds within worlds: I don't know how it's called but in hypnisis is a concept that if you visualize a scene and then visualize how you go a layer deeper, it can create the illusion that you are actually deeper and further away from the physical reality. It's like inception, a dream within a dream. Many people report having dreams which appear like dreams within dreams. Dreams within dreams are not possible (as far as I know) but when you create the illusion of a dream within a dream it can feel that way. Two ways of creating the illusion Falling asleep. So you visualize how you fall asleep on a bed, and have a dream. Then you can fall asleep in that dream and wake up in another dream You visualize going through some kind of portal. I prefer a picture, laptop or tv screen. Because that creates the illusion of being in a world within a world. So I would visualize how I stand in front of a tv and see a scene where another me is doing something. Then I would visualize being drawn into the screen into the second body.       How to make the illusion more convincing: Stay completely focused in your visualizations. Therefore anesthesia and amnesia are nice. Going back: Let's say you are 3 layers deep and want to go back. Then you DON'T just open your physical eyes. In order to do that you first have to go back layer for layer. I would do it this way: Dreams within dreams: Fall asleep in dream 1 in a lets say blue bed. wake up in dream 2 in a blue bed. Then fall asleep in a green bed and wake up in dream 3 in a green bed. Then to get out, you fall asleep in dream 3 in a green bed, wake up in dream 2 in a green bed, fall asleep in a blue bed and wake up un dream 1 in a blue bed then fall again asleep in another bed and wake up (or pretending to wake up if you weren't actually asleep) in your real bed. TVs within TVs: in layer 1 you have a red wristband. In layer 2 your layer 2 body has a orange wristband. In order to get back you must take off the wristband, then immediately notice how you are sucked out of your body, now see the scene from a 3rd person point of view, then see the scene + the body you just left in the tv screen while now being in layer 2 in your layer 2 body with the red wristband. Forget the previous layer. If you forget your previous layers and are fully focused in the  visualizations then you forget your physical body and that you are visualizing, which will make it easier for the visualizations to turn into real OBEs. You could for example anchor amnesia with a gray fog. Then when you wake up in a dream within a dream, you visually how the bed dissolves behind a grey fog.  False memories: To make that even more powerful, you can create false memories (like what people sometimes have in lucid dreams). So after having forgotten the  bed and that you woke up, you implant yourself a false memory how you for example walked to that place. Hallucinations: The more vivid the visualizations the better. When visualizations are as vivid as real life then they can be called hallucinations. It is possible to induce hallucinations through hypnosis but it is extremely difficult and I could hardly find anything online about it. But for example Zach Pincince has his hypnotees believe that he is their favourite celebrity. So do they hallucinate the celebrity? It's probably that they still see Zach but believe that he is the celebtrity. So what he is doing isn't actual hallucination but rather a mind trick. But if he can convince them to believe that he is their favorite celebrity then it should also be possible to trick our minds to believe that our visualizations are (as vivid as) real life. But it will be difficult.   All of that is not necessary if you are good at getting into the Esdaile State or inducing whole-body anesthesia. But if you are interested in turing visualizations into full OBEs then it might be helpful.