A Rant Against Morality Summary

Juan Cruz Giusto
By Juan Cruz Giusto in Personal Development -- [Main],
Your model of morality (what you think is right or wrong, good or evil) is actually having the opposite effect that you want it to have and severely stunting your growth and psychological wellbeing as well as your self-actualizing potential. There are stages of morality in which human psyche evolves and develop: 1-      Pre-conventional morality: a.       You act to not do wrong so you don’t get punished b.       You do good so you get rewards. 2-      Conventional morality: a.       The reason that you do something is because if you didn’t you would not be conforming and you will create disapproval from people around you. b.       The reason that you do something is because a higher authority told you so. 3-      Post-conventional morality: a.       Social contract theory: If you are a member of a community you should act in a way so to preserve the peace (“we are in the same boat”). b.       Principled based morality: You act based on internal principles. You are acting based on your own conscience and on your own sense and intuition. 4-      Transcendent morality: it is when you become enlightened, everything becomes you and you act compassionately with everyone and everything since you actually perceive the entire world as your body. You recognize that all of existence is actually a huge ball of love and everything is unconditionally loved by you (even the bad stuff).  Traditional morality The problem with traditional morality is that is damaging and dangerous. It promotes unconscious obedience of rules and authority figures. The problem is that you are doing this in an unconscious way and this leads to moralization. What moralism is, is a rigid set of do’s and don’t’s where you dissect and fragment reality, applying them your judgment. Everything that is on the evil side you judge it and deny it. Every should and shouldn’t is a type of moralization. The worst form of moralism are the rules that you created for yourself and what should/shouldn’t happen in life and how you view it. The rules you create for other are rules that you create for yourself too! If you judge someone for being evil/greedy/cheater, then you will judge yourself if you do this 5 years later. The problem with morality is mechanicalness. You cannot create a black or white rule of how life should be and then expecting life to go according to your beliefs and also expecting yourself to mechanically behave in an unconscious way according to that rule. To actually be moral and good, you need to do it from a place of consciousness and awareness of the present moment, from there comes the greatest good. If you create rigid rules, you will unconsciously follow them and most of the times these rules cannot apply to real world situations. Your whole model of reality is based on certain rules that you created/learned that doesn’t fit to reality. These rules are created from fear and driven by your ego. You act defensively to protect yourself and the model of the world that you created. Morality is a tool of the ego to reinforce your identity. The rules you have were taught to you by your parents and are now deeply engrained in the OS of your mind and you are unconscious of these mechanisms. Rules are manipulations made by egos to manipulate the outcomes they want. Since most rules are external, mostly everything you do is externally motivated (you do it because you have to, because you should) and you don’t do things because you want to or love. You are fragmenting yourself and you create a sense of fragmentation within yourself. When you deny your thoughts and desires, you create a shadow out of the ego. If you create a rule saying that something is good, you are naturally creating a rule saying that other thing is bad. The real tragedy is that moralization denies a part of reality (and you will always lose). The ego’s whole game is to feel better than … and aggrandize himself to feel alive (but he can’t, he is an illusion). Moralizing leads to hypocrisy. When you call something evil, you are denying an aspect of reality and an aspect of yourself as well. It also creates -          Guilt -          Hatred -          Judgment -          Shame You also moralize in subtle ways: -          When you say that you shouldn’t eat that hamburger at work -          When you say to yourself that you have to go to the gym. -          When you say that you have to go to the gym. -          When you tell yourself that your girlfriend shouldn’t be talking to other guys -          When you tell yourself that people should treat you in a good way. -          Politicians should be more honest. -          Every should and shouldn’t The problem with this, is that it creates low self-stem and creates self-hatred and self-sabotage. Anxiety and stress comes from moralizing (and victim mentality too). Moralizing can take two forms: -          Self-righteousness: When you say that you are doing great and people should copy you. -          Victim mentality: It uses moralizing to itself (“I should be …”). The opposite of morality is integrity. You accepted the light and the dark parts of you (the ego and the shadow had been integrated). Now, form this place, you can act naturally and spontaneously; your actions are not good or bad and you are not a good or a bad person, YOU TRANSCEND THE GOOD AND BAD PARADIGM.     Transcendent Morality It is a pure consciousness of what is true. There is no morality, there is only reality and it is totally free. There are no rules and laws, these are human constructions. There is only Being (raw direct experience). Being is neutral and lawless and good/evil do not exist. There are no should’s at all, what is, is exactly what it should be. You have all these fantasies of what should or should not exist but reality doesn’t give a fuck, reality is what is and what you think and believe is your own fucking problem. You need to drop your fantasies of how reality should be like and there will be no problems. Reality is too perfect to adapt to your stupid beliefs. You need to let go and surrender to what is actually real. If you actually grasp this, you will realize that you cannot judge anyone anymore. What is, is exactly what should have been, BECAUSE IT FUCKING HAPPENED and there are not alternate realities. The whole purpose of maintaining your ego is to not let go the illusion of free will and little control over reality. The ego fights for control over something that he has no control over. You can still do anything but whatever you do is how it should always be and you are not doing it, the whole universe is doing you. You will have true compassion because when you melt your ego into reality, you will be awed and amused by reality as it is. You will love reality so much that you will realize that reality is loving itself. Are you gonna be reality working with itself or fighting against it? You think that if you don’t have free will you will lose all your freedom but in reality it is the opposite. Now you are constrained by the illusion of control over something you don’t have control over. If you become enlightened, you will gain a sense of freedom since there are no rules. True morality is no morality. If you don’t have morality, you will be the most moral person in the world. “Love your sins to death” Integrating your shadow is the way to minimize evil. A good test of how developed you are is: When someone does harm to you, how accepting are you? How loving of it are you?
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