Emotional Sobriety Journal

Bill W
By Bill W in Self-Actualization Journals,
Happy to interact with anyone who wants to. Happy to receive suggestions and feedback. But what I will do is acknowledge them on here and then reply to you via private message. Doing it this way will keep the journal on point and not overly conversational. Genuinely do want interaction!  Goals of the Journal To provide a written account of the progress, or lack of, in addressing the difficulties  To help promote a deeper connection with forum members To help others, and to be helped by others Methods One post per day minimum to foster routine and habit Constant, daily references to self-help and spiritual material. A mixture of books, quotes, YouTube, and music will form the bedrock of this journal. I will highlight the source material and describe my understanding of how it relates to me, and my efforts to integrate the source material into my ongoing recovery Shadow Work Values Work Big Picture Issues (all the below three of course overlap) Discipline Values alignment  Interpersonal  List of Difficulties the Journal will focus on Discipline & Self-Care  Nutrition Exercise Sleep Meditation & Prayer Attention & Concentration  Action Values alignment Engaging in character assassination Selfishness  Entitlement  Blaming Punishing Not admitting I've done the same thing Expecting others to be what they are not Avoidance Interpersonal Not being open and honest, expecting others to “read between the lines” Intolerance Impatience Not admitting when I was at fault and/or saying sorry Acting superior  At the route of everything listed above is FEAR
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