30-Day Challenge - Keeping Track of My Weight

By kag101 in Self-Actualization Journals,
IMPORTANT: This is not a diet challenge! I will not try to lose weight per se.   BACKGROUND:  Losing too much weight in a month is a trap, because if that happens, I am very likely to backslide later on. This has happened a few times in my life, and it did not go well. In the last 9 years, my weight has ranged from 69 kg - 98 kg (152 lbs - 216 lbs). My ideal weight, I would say, is 82 kg (180 lbs).   GOALS: My goal is that after the 30 days, I am between 92,2 kg - 99,9 kg (202 lbs to 219 lbs). This is a realistic expectation.  As long as I don't go beyond 100 kg (220 lbs), I am good to go. Ideally I should lose a few kilos/pounds. I have a picture of my weight from a month ago: I had 92,2 kg. I weight myself today and I am with 96,2 kg. Therefore, I gained 4 kg. If I keep gaining weight at this rate, I will get fat really soon.  I am still not sure if I will use kilos (which I am more familiar with), or pounds. Maybe I will use both.     RULES: - Make a daily estimate of how much calories I ate. - Weight myself in every two days, as soon as I wake up, before having breakfast.   I have another journal here on the forum, where I explain how I tamed my depression. Click here to read it. 
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