Reply to Skepticism & Solipsism Crisis - Help!

Leo Gura
By Leo Gura,
@PetarKa You're making two big mistakes: 1) You are unwittingly assuming the validity of your skeptical stance, which itself is unknown. But you are taking it as known. You are also not questioning the validity of your thoughts and emotional reactions. So what even if skepticism is true and reality is not real? Why would that be bad or a problem? Since problems and value-judgments would also ve unreal? Why are you taking your emotions seriously? Doubt your emotions more! 2) Solipsism is incorrect. Nonduality is like solipsism but also very different in important ways. It's not that other people are your subjective experience, it's that you are an illusion and therefore there is no such thing as subjective experience at all, there is only God or Being. Interaction with others continues as it always has because you are all people. What a person is simply gets recontextualized. A person is a hallucination in the mind of God, just like your person is. Fundamentally your problem here is that your skepticism is not thorough enough. Ego has turned skepticism into a conceptual ideology, which is the opposite of enlightenment. The ego is not seriously undermining itself here. Your entire inquiry is coming from ego and assuming ego! You'd be closer to Truth if you just dropped all ideas and sat there looking at your hand, not knowing anything. Your inquiry is not properly grounded, it is too abstract and conceptual. Stop knowing things! Ground yourself in the actuality of the present moment. See my video: What Is Actuality? What you can do is meditate or do Kriya yoga. Shut that mind off. It is only digging itself deeper.