Possible way of total Freedom. Financial and Societal freedom, total independence.

By Sempiternity,
Ever wanted a way out of wage slavery, landlord slavery, debt, high bills that are your cage? Ever wanted a way out of the cycle of having to make so much money just to survive and have your basic needs met? Ever wanted to have everyone leave you alone, have no one control you? For you to be able to interact with people as little or as much as You'd like? To be able to just BE, without having to DO anything? I've got a possible suggestion for you. 

This is what I am doing, and maybe it could work for you as well. I'm getting a used Shuttle Bus. They are very inexpensive, compared to similar vehicles. Most bang for your buck. You can find ones fairly new (within 10 years old) and lower miles, for around $5,000. If you go a little older, you can find them as low as $2,000. They have ample room to build a tiny home. They are built on a truck chasse, so quite durable. They get decent gas millage, so easy to travel. They last forever. I'm going to put solar panels on the roof, inverter, and batteries, so the power is fully self-contained. Water is recycled, filtered and treated with UV, so there is little water waste. Have a compostable toilet. If I do all the work myself, use recycled items as much as possible, and learn what I can from others that have done similar work, I can keep the cost way down. Say around another $5,000 for all the materials. Once done, I can take this fully self-contained home anywhere. Up in the mountains, out in the desert. There's free designated land, BLM land. The only time I'd ever need to interact with society would be to get gas, food and supplies, which could be only ever few weeks. 

After that, I'm completely Free. No rent, no bills, no having to work, no control over me. I'm completely free just enjoy nature, contemplate, self-inquire, practice yoga and meditation, read books, and just enjoy Being. No distractions. 

I know some of you may say you don't have $10,000 to do something like this. But ask yourself how much of your time and money you spend on rent, debt and bills, even in just one year? More than $10,000 I bet. How hard would it be to save that much, for your total freedom? How much would you save per year not having all those bills? Would you even need to work?

Sure you won't have the same level of comfort that you may be use to in your current living situation, but you'll adapt. And part of the path is letting go attachments to desires. 

Anywho, that's my plan. Hope some of you that are searching for a way out, this might be an answer for you. 

Here is a great example of a conversation / mobile self-contained tiny home: * Although this was done in a Sprinter, which are more like $20,000. Just wanted to show what's possible for the insides. 

Here's an example of a shuttle bus conversion: