How Do Highschool "exam Results" Matter?

By Lorcan,
How do exam results effect my life? I want an honest answer, non biased answer. It seems to me, the point of exams in the first place is so the government can see what results people Are getting and see if they reach the standard as such.But in all honesty, how will if effect my life? Is it one of those things that it will only effect you if you let it? Dont get me wrong, I love education. I dislike school however (It seriously needs a reform, I myself could personally reform it with a new functional system that would be way more effective at increasing intelligence yet happier for the kids)   So how will High school exam results effect my life. I want the TRUTH. That means , if the Answer happens to be "school exam results effect your life little" , dont be afraid to tell me so, thinking that if you do tell me that school results dont matter that I will end up  a couch potato who doesnt learn anything . So please be straight and make no assumptions what you comment to me that it will influence me to do anything stupid.  Thank you