Reply to I am enlightened. Sincere seekers: ask me anything

By graded24,
1- Sometimes when I am looking for the "I", and can clearly see that I am not the body, thought etc.. i arrive at a weird situation because THEN it feels like the only "I" that is here is the one looking for the "I", aka the meditator. So there is an "I" as long as I am looking for it, because I, the looker, is it. So if I stop looking then there is no "I".  I dont know where to go next?  2- In my daily life, as i continue the self-inquiry, how can i think the thoughts i need for my work and still inquire into 'who am i'? I can do one or the other 3- You say that self-inquiry leads to a I-free state and then we are to just abide there, right? But how do I know when to stop? Because even after the I-free state arrives, I can ask, 'who is experiencing this' ? Or is it that such a question wont arise naturally in an I-free state?