No Free Will + Dream Reality

By SoonHei,
One of the biggest obstacle to getting closer and closer to the understanding of the nature of our reality is the materialist paradigm.   Once one sees that reality isn't a physical / solid construct made out of tiny particles /atoms then the possibilitt which remains may seem very improbable and extremely radical but it cannot be denied.   I also like this idea and it showcases the incomprehensible infinite magnitude of reality: there are an infinite number of iterations / modulation of consciousness and it is so totally absolute and complete that it gives the illusion of apparent free will to thought+action. It is a set of absolute random and meaningless phenomena but as it is so complete, the next moment of existence which follows seems to be caused + connected with the previous moment and so on.   It's all an autonomous eternal happening. Freedom is getting and staying in the  experiential realization that "we" have no freedom/control.