Reply to Video Summaries!

By mariustuhut,
Guerilla Business Advice( blog video) - The best way to become successful in life is through leveraging your ability to be creative - Most people don't realize how powerful creativity is. You can train yourself to become extremely creative and innovative as an individual. - If you're looking for a way to change your financial situation and more than for example: computer programming ask: what kind of innovation could I create or invent that would provide millions of dollars of value to the world? - People don't realize how much opportunities are out there, and the only things that's stopping you it's your own self, lack of discipline, lack of motivation, ingenuity, creativity, lateral thinking( solving a problem by an indirect and creative approach, typically through viewing the problem in a new an unusual light). - There are literally gadget you could invent that change how mankind communicates or has sex or learns or plays games or whatever Example. Inventing a new type of mouse - One of the biggest problems when starting a business is: you're stuck in a hole where you don't have capital to start any business you want it, most businesses are out of your league. Example. Manufacture new airplane, new car( too expensive, to competitive) - There are little niches, gadgets, works of art that are actually doable for a single individual or a couple of people. You're supposed to bootstrap your business somehow How do you do that? - Got to be very wise and strategic about the product you choose, find something that people need, improve people's life, something that's missing in the market place and maybe they don't know they're missing. Maybe something that's not a gigantic problems that takes decades, millions of dollars to start. Usually this comes by innovation. - The value you're adding to marketplace is by a gigantic project( which most people can't do) because they lack capital. - Examples: writing a book, creating a video game, piece of music, inventing some kind of gadget( help old people, children, for dog, cat, new way to design pen or pencil). - These days every idiot is starting YT, Twitch channel, but lean into creativity, let pure creativity that drives the value into your business - What's stopping you: lack of creativity. If you sit down and spend 1000h over the next couple of years to invent some new toys for children you might invent it - It's shocking how many creative opportunities exist and are completely uneased. The competition for true creativity is so slim. So few companies and people are actually doing genuinely creative things, that's so rare 1/100. The majority of companies and people are just aping others. - Guerilla Low Scale Hyper Creative Strategy: there are alternatives to this but this is a pretty good way to do it - What you're looking for: the key is, since the most of the labor is done by you, and don't have bunch of capital to hire bunch of people, you have to be extremely creative with your project, spend a lot time in your mind brainstorming ideas to find the one really good idea and something that doesn't require ton of money or work to actually create. - What's stopping you: lack of skill, lack of creativity, lack of discipline - You have to make yourself successful - This is not a highly exploitative tactic, it will make people happy, improve the world and be a legitimate win/ win scenario - Don’t think your powerless against big corporation because there are niches that are so small that can be occupied by an individual or small group of people. There are certain things that a large company won't invent, create because it's too small for them. What's small for amazon, for you will make you a millionaire. By being small your project can be more risky, creative innovative and can be very flexible, agile. You got to invest time being creative - Here is where simple principles of motivation and discipline comes in. - Is lot more fun being creative and innovative. All factory jobs will be automated very soon. - You got to find some way to be creative in whatever area you're interested in. Turn this into a career and take it serious. - Is not the case that the first idea is the winner. You will have dozens of them and they will be silly - If you keep going you will find something that is: feasible, requires low capital investment, provide lots of value to the world: sweet spot that overlap all of these - Example. How can I design a simple game that's easy to make just by myself that would be so addictive, fun, highly replayable( so the player gets tons of value from it) and fit in the marketplace that millions of people would play it? - Most of you won't have the discipline to work 4 years on a game. You must have the vision, make the connections and see that this is a game that will fit in some kind of a niche that would appeal to lots of people and make millions of dollars. This guy didn't have all the skills when he started, what he did it was accidental - The mistake here is to learn lesson to narrowly. The proper lesson is: you want to find some kind of niche very similar to what this guy found: could be new good toy, sex-toy, type of mouse, for people who have disabilities. Be careful to not fall into total fantasy land. Don't create art that it's purely masturbatory: create art for your own self. - For this strategy to work it has to be founded upon a deep understanding of something that people are interested in or want. What is it that actually make a game fun and sell well( 10 million units), it is accident? What makes a book sell so many copies? What makes a rubik cube so popular? - Spend a lot of time brainstorming until you find the right niche, product, time, opportunity, something that's small enough to do then put all eggs in that basket do that for few years, try to build it, create it and if it doesn't work you'll fail but that's experience and lessons: business lessons, marketing lessons, skills and use that for next project and repeat that process again and again and again until one of them clicks. This requires a certain psychology, mindset of persistence, to be a creative person you have to spend lots of time on dead ends, you rarely succeed on first attempt on something creative - What are people interested in now?( it has to be time creative). You don't want to be on a tail end of a trend, you want to be at the beginning of a trend, look into the future( what would people be interested 10 years from now?). Example: Which popular have not been popular lately but popular in the past which I can do a sort of revival on? - The idea of inventing new categories: products, services -> this is a potentially huge money maker here( really fun and exciting). In the 70s the category of video games didn't exist: someone get the idea of combining existing components: TV( with pixels), computer, input device( remote control). Someone invented that but didn't see the full potential of it - If you want to add massive value to the world find a new medium.  How to invent entire new medium? Baseball didn't exist, and somebody invented baseball; Novels didn't exist and somebody invented novels etc. - You have to be very choosy because ideas are cheap and easy but implementation is the hard part. But it's very important to have the idea because it can worth 100M $ - Trick: one of the way to be creative - you must have a need to be one, study lots of sources. What are the different fields there: go look at what makes baseball popular? Why do people go to baseball, enjoy it, buying the merch? What are the common factors that makes these videogames successful? Why is pokemon such a craze? - What makes things popular? For purposes of business - How good ideas come: take something from the world and extrapolate, abstract out form that and build on top of it and turn it into something rather new but is very reminiscence something that exist in the world already. You can get inspirations by trends - Untapped market: virtual worlds, virtual community of people in 3D space that live together, have politics, governments. VR and virtual worlds will come together - You can get venture capital for ideas. If you come to investors with a really good solid idea or maybe a prototype( practical, realistic, fit into existing trends and technology and show them how you're going to monetize that idea) you can get venture capital for that - You have to pick a lane in which you're going to be creative: it's hard to be creative with everything. You can begin that way - Dangerous mindset: trying to knock it out of the park on the first attempt. You want to pace yourself that this is a process you'll be doing for many years/ decades and be patient about it. You'll learn a lot from project that are failures. - The sooner you can find your lane the better - It's a really good get rich quick strategy - Brush up on creativity: read some books, find ways on becoming more creative - Creativity: fun, spiritual rewarding( aspect of spirit), infinite, your mind has the possibility of connecting to that source - Lots of obstacles are going to be emotional rather than financial