Like to share you this beautiful memory of my own

By non_nothing in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
This is the one of the earliest memories of mine that I can remember so clear. I'mĀ unsure about my age. Probably around 3-5. I was sitting in bathroom. There. Was doing my job and at the same time was like looking around and stuff. I remember, all the sudden I found myself staring at my hand, my palms. Observing and taking note of how it's shape and how it moves. All the sudden, I had that tingly feeling that runs on your spine, also on the stomach area when you get scared or some sort, you got that feeling right? So I walk out of the bathroom went to living room. I saw my dad laying and watching TV. I asked him: -(Me) "Daddy?" -(Him) Yes. -(Me) How am I able to move my hand? -(Him) .... He didn't say anything. How could he right? It was just yet another stupid child questions that pop often a lot. Beautiful right?
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