Becoming a full time yogi

By okulele,
A little bit about me: I am 22. About 2,5 years ago I had an awakening induced by LSD. That experience made me quit university (I just finnished the first year) and start travelling. I have been traveling and working odd jobs on and off ever since. My prime goal in mind always being to find happiness, freedom, enlightenment. Since the initial awakening I also started studying personal development, Leo's work and started meditating. Slowly I came to the realization that meditation is the key to what I am looking for. All the time, my parents have been encouraging me to come back and study. I saw the reason in that and decided to study social studies. I like working with people, it would not be bad, I thought. And so until recently I was sure I would start studying in September. However things have changed. I had a realization. I am not interested in social studies. I am not interested in going to college. I only planned to do it in order to please my parents and above all to insure some kind of security for myself. This would ensure a few more lesiure years with my parents supporting me and a degree, which could get me a regular job. My parents made it clear that if I don't go to college now, I am on my own and have to take care of myself. Instead I want to fully comit to going inside and discovering consciousness further. That is all that brings me contentment. That is all that interests me. That is what I want to share with the world. In order to do that, I would go live in a yoga ashram and stay there for a year or two. Or who knows how long. That would allow me a supportive environment for my practice, free of distractions and a community of people sharing my goals. My big concern that keeps coming up is, what will I do when I come back into the world? I will have no proffesion to work in. No money. No buisness. No degree. Literally nothing. I can get enlightened, but I will come back with nothing. How will I survive in the world? That is the big fear. My insecurity.   I value all of your opinions and that is why I am writing this post. If you have a perspective on this, please share it with me. Do you think it's a waste of time and resources to go live in an ashram? Do you think that stabilizing myself financially should come first?