Are most psychologists incompetents?

By Raphael in Personal Development -- [Main],
I start seeing a new psychologist for several months. I want to mention that it's not the first time I try, but the third. I also created a subject on because I was unhappy with my previous experience However, I am disappointed again with my experience. So here are some questions I want to ask you: Do you think that it's normal to be frequently late (like 30 minutes to 1 hour)? Do you think it's normal that in every session a psychologist asks the same questions asked in the previous one? Do you think normal saying she doesn't like the manner of a patient? Do think normal that when I tell her I don't like my job she says that I need to get more experience to get another one where I told her that I am working on my own personal business? Do you think normal that a psychologist doesn't give any exercise to a patient? From my perspective, she is negligent and doesn't seem to believe in my ability to make things happen nor consider my values, but rather want me to live like she considers to be "normal" and "healthy". So, are most psychologist incompetent? For me, having a degree doesn't matter so much but being open-minded, comprehensive, compassionate, with the aim to help someone to achieve its goals and helping to understand and correct mistakes (real ones, not ones based on cultural or any kind of conditioning) should be part of the core values of a psychologist. Generally speaking on which aspects a psychologist could really help? This is obvious to me that speaking of enlightenment and the nature of reality is useless with most of them. However, things like relationships should be ok.
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