Free will doesn't exist

Stoica Doru
By Stoica Doru,
Free will can't and doesn't exist. From an absolute perspective, all the advanced esoteric spiritual teachers basically say the same thing: before we reincarnate, we choose all of our live experiences and circumstances, including our parents and relationships through something called soul contracts. In a higher vibrational dimension, before taking form - that's where we place our cards. After birth, the dices are thrown. The only purpose of this phenomenon is the need for Source to discover Itself, through a huuuuge spectrum of perspectives and opportunities, by dividing itself into an infinite number of holograms and entities that, while in the game, most of them, think that are "other" or "separate". 
However, the law of attraction is true, but I'm not claiming a paradox here, because the frequency you have at an emotional, mental and spiritual level significantly alters your reality. But what I'm claiming is that those choices aren't yours, they are of the actor you witness yourself in disguise. And even if you say you are making choices, or "he" is, determinism wins, because free will, if it existed, would've made us choose things depending on what happened to us and our psyche, genes and so on (the deterministic factors are many - like unfulfilled wishes or desires). From an relative perspective, yes, it seems like You do  something, rather than Life is doing something through you, but it's not true if you zoom out on yourself through meditation and see yourself as a Divine puzzle piece, so to say.
Life's one amazing movie that polishes and enhances Itself through the TV show characters we are all. We are the children of the Eternal Imagination. We are Its plan.