Reply to Post Enlightenment Observations

By Shanmugam,
As far as I am concerned, enlightenment is just a word. And nowhere in my experience of the reality I see a label 'enlightenment'.. The bottomline is the end of seeking, the end of craving to become something. Ever since that happened to me, my experience of reality has been way different from how it was before. And when people like @Saumaya describe his observations on his experience, I find that it is the same as how I experience reality. Of course, a person can make up such descriptions and there is no way to know. But once the seeking is over, I don't see any reason why he would look for a validation from others either. The reason why I say this is because you asked a similar question to me before. You asked me whether I would consider another person as 'enlightened' only if the way he describes his experience is exactly similar to mine. I not only said 'No' (because words may differ), but I also said that there is really no need for such a question. Because if someone is looking for some kind of validation from others regarding his subjective experience, that in itself indicates that something is not true there. If you feel hungry, you don't ask someone else if you are hungry and wait for their confirmation. You will simply eat! But you also need to see that many such descriptions by many people are similar. I know that there is an obvious difference between my experience before and after July 2014. And I can very easily recognize when other people state something similar. Such similar descriptions give a consensus among people who experience reality this way. In fact, people think they know that external world exists, only because of consensus. When I look at the tree, I assume that the tree looks the same way to your eyes as well only based on consensus. And, the existence of others is also based only on consensus and inference. You know what you see in dream did not really happen, because there is no consensus.  But if someone  pays careful attention to his subjective experience, he would know that only thing he can be sure about is the fact that there is consciousness which exists. Everything is perceived and experienced in this conscious, subjective experience. That is why they call this as absolute reality.  I still suspect that you are assuming that something is wrong with other people here in this forum. I may be wrong but that is what most of your posts indicate. You seem to imply that there is something that you understand that many people in this forum do not understand. While you simply seem to be making conclusions about others by saying that their descriptions are their 'beliefs', I suspect if you are stuck with your own beliefs about the way things are with other people.  Anyway, I know that we are in agreement on one thing.. All this game of seeking enlightenment is only about one thing: end of suffering! period. What that matters is not all those countless books about enlightenment, chakras, psychic powers, esoteric knowledge, complicated concepts etc etc. Only thing that matters is if the suffering has ended and if the ultimate freedom is known. And by suffering, I am not only talking about serious miserable experience that one goes through from time to time; I am talking about the psychological lack which indicates that something is not enough, which motivates you to seek further and which makes you prone to misery. Once the seeking ends, some people are just silent about it while some people attempt to tell others that it is possible for others too to end their suffering. This is how teachings and teachers are born. And people who seem to really help most of the people are the ones who understand the psychology and the workings of the mind. That is why I kept saying to you earlier that ending your own suffering is one thing; helping other people to end their suffering is different thing. I suspect that this is something that you fail to understand. There is nothing wrong with that if you don't understand it because if you are at peace then nothing matters to you. But when you make posts in this forum, your intentions are not clear. Because, there are only three common reasons why people would post in this forum: 1)to get help 2) to  help 3) to show off  .