Reply to Which is a better object of mindfulness?

By Shanmugam,
@The White Belt When it comes to mindfulness, you don't choose.. Initially, it is ok to be mindful of breath and bodily sensations. But this has to be gradually extended to everything that happens in your conscious first-person experience without repressing or judging the thoughts including the thoughts which are judgemental about 'being judgemental of your thoughts'... And this has to be extended to every moment gradually, by being a complete, passive, non-judgemental witness of everything that happens when you are walking, eating, bathing etc. Let us say this is your mind as you notice and the following thoughts are the thoughts which are arising: Ok, I am going to be mindful of my thoughts - you notice this thought without analyzing, judging, identifying with it and let it arise and pass away oh, am I doing this right? - you notice this thought without analyzing, judging, identifying with it and let it arise and pass away I have to pee - you notice this thought without analyzing, judging, identifying with it and let it arise and pass away and I really want to have sex with my new crush - you notice this thought without analyzing, judging, identifying with it and let it arise and pass away (you feel guilty now and you notice this feeling as well) (there is a slight pause in the thought flow now and you wait for the next thought to arise in a curious manner) Probably after enlightenment I won't get such thoughts - you notice this thought without analyzing, judging, identifying with it and let it arise and pass away (You get lost in the thoughts for 2 minutes, and you suddenly remember that you have to be mindful) oh shit, I forgot to be mindful for a while - you notice this thought without analyzing, judging, identifying with it and let it arise and pass away It is hard to be mindful, will I ever succeed? - you notice this thought without analyzing, judging, identifying with it and let it arise and pass away It is too bad that I forgot to be mindful... I am not doing it correctly -you notice this thought without analyzing, judging, identifying with it and let it arise and pass away I am judging my ability to be mindful now.. this is a game of ego - you notice this thought without analyzing, judging, identifying with it and let it arise and pass away my legs are aching.. let me sit down a bit - you notice this thought without analyzing, judging, identifying with it and let it arise and pass away ............................................................... This is the practice I did for about 12 years and it is extremely powerful.  You can download this infographic to understand some basics of it: