You have 100% free will and you also have no free will. The other side of the Paradox.

By AleksM,
Edit: It is not this or that, it is this and that. So You have 100% free will and also 0% free will.  I have decided I will comment on all of Leos enlightenment videos in the next few weeks. I think that would be valuable for everybody since I became enlightened 4 years ago and also interesting. Of course that is also valuable for me, to create a better map for the territory, my mind still needs to create a good map for the territory.... I will address this no free will video first. Watched the video until 40 minutes, will watch the second part tomorrow. Here are the notes from the first part.   Comment: You mentioned that most people that became enlightened realized that there is no free will. I am one of those  rare instances that  would disagree.   You can be fully aware and it will seem like you have no free will, I know that, I have experienced this for a lot of time, that's why you have to become fully conscious to step into free will. That's why knowing the difference between awareness and consciousness is so critical.  You have 100% free will. But I would not call this free will, I would call it Devine Will. I liked the point you made that is in bold font. The non-physical aspect of you is making the decisions. The totality of your Being is making the decision trough you and as you.  The ego is a story. A story can only exist in time. Time is illusory because, the only moment in existence is now.  The ego thinks it has control over the future but actually, the future is just another instance of the now moment, so it is illusory. We have the neo cortex in the brain which grounds the ability of the mind to see into the future, but we have to realize that that future is not real, it is just a projected picture of what happened and of what is happening now.  Most people have an over active neo cortex and that is why most people think they have free will.  Change can happen only in the present moment, in the now moment, in an instance of the now moment, because that is the only moment in existence. Time is an appearance, a phenomena inside consciousness, but reality and appearance is not the same, it's radically different. When you are fully conscious in the present moment then You can make a decision. But You can't make a decision in the future. Awareness is aware of the illusory timeline of the mind, but it needs to ground itself into the now, that means it needs to be conscious. You can step into full power only when in the present moment. The problem is most people are separated from that now moment. Separation means being in the mind, being immersed in the thought stream and that happens when a lot of beta brain waves are present.  Yes You can be aware of the thought stream, but that doesn't change anything, awareness has no free will. Don't allow the mind to make it seem like it is running your life. Shut down the gateways of the sense world, become conscious of the present moment, fully grounded in the experience of this moment and then you can use Devine will to change everything. 95% of of all the things you do is subconscious, so that means you are running on autopilot most of the time. When you are running on autopilot, you are not fully present in consciousness and this means manifesting what the consciousness (Soul, True Self, Being) has created in the past, so you are experiencing the past in the now. I know that sounds crazy but whatever. That is not bad, but when the reflection (outside) is showing you something that is out of alignment with your True Self, that means you'll be experiencing negative feelings and that means it's to to change it, to act aratinal, to ground yourself in the present moment to change it.  You have to ground the energies in the present moment first to make a change of energies, to use free will. Yes change is happening all the time, but You can manifest the same thing over and over again, without bringing You a new experience. This is done by shutting down the sense world. The senses will collide with the True Self (Being, Soul, consciousness) if you don't close the gates of the sense world. The change will not be able to take place, you will only be able to stay aware of it like a witness but not fully grounded in the present moment. When you are fully grounded in the present moment, no thoughts are present, like ZERO and so the God, that is all that is, can work trough you and as you. The True Self uses a program, this is the ego to ground itself into the experience of this physical reality, the program is not making choices, the user that is using the program is making the choices. A WHAT uses and works trough a WHO. The mind is the WHO, the mind is a projector, You are the projectionist. When you are fully present, then you don't need anything from the outside to fulfill you. When you are stuck in the mind you think you have control over the future.You can't make choices inside the illusion of continuity. When you are stuck inside the mind, whether it be the conscious mind or subconscious mind then you can't make choices. You must first ground yourself into the present moment. That is not being aware, that is being conscious.  So after you close the gateways of the sense world you can use Willingness and act in the present moment, that activates the universal law of cause and effect and so the thing you were willing to act on manifests. What you focus on manifests. Observer effect. Collapse the wave function. You have to be aware of a new construct of the mind that's inside consciousness. If the mind is not  yet formed, it will, trough the use of Devine imagination. First you imagine it, then beliefs form, and after that the thing materializes. Mind over matter.   You don't know how the thing will manifest, you just have to know that it will, and when the previous version of the program manifest (a hidden program from the unconscious come to the surface=) act arationaly and know what you are, stay self-aware and the reflection will change. A habit becomes a choice once it becomes conscious. - Bashar You are creator, that means you have power to create. You have to find out how to access this power, not just to find knowledge about how to access it, but to actually prove it to yourself that you have the ability to manifest, The body is running unconsciously, the vessel is asleep. You have to bring consciousness back into the vessel so you can step back into full power. full power = fully conscious You can be aware even if you are unconscious. To be conscious means to know your Truth.     You are always in control of how you view a situation. So you have to deconstruct the subjective construct by bring yourself back into the now, to become fully conscious. When you are fully conscious you are in neutral zone and then you can redefine your experience by looking at it differently. How you look at things is ALWAYS in your control. @Leo Gura @Nahm Edit: This is not the full  finished post.  Better things came along. But I will describe a big epiphany I had after reading the comments and fully integrating this paradox. Just find the comment in this thread that will go into that. I will write about this in the following days.