Self-forgiveness As A Path To Enlightenment

By AleksM,
A lot of people and the desteni community rely on self- forgiveness to attain self realization. Everyday you try to notice your reactions and analyze them after with putting them into writing. You analyze your reaction, write about it, state that you forgivee yourself and then make as self-correction statement. I don't see anybody talking about this on this forum. So I Will just make a thread about it.   The act of forgiving yourself out loud, speaking has a physical effect on the body. It actually alters your DNA. When you notice a reaction coming to the surface, forgive yourself out loud like mentioned above. Also Put everything into writing. This is how you do proper self-forgiveness. @MiracleMan You can learn how to do self-forgiveness properly with this free course They also have forums, blogs and other advanced courses to go deeper. Valentin Rozman studied personal development and spirituality for 20 years and he told in one of his videos that those tools triggered the biggest transformation in his self.    I have just copied an pasted this fro ma reply I did in the past. This is from yesterday. Also copy paste.