Reply to Do We Actually Need To Commit To A Single Guru To Progress Past A Certain Point (for Enlightenment/kundalini Awakening)?

By Toby,
A good teacher knows how to deal with projections, idealisations and attachments from students. They point you back towards yourself. Not wanting to commit, wanting to do it alone could easily be the ego - at least that is my experience. But overall life plays out different for everyone, some might not need a guru to awaken, but I actually have not heard of anyone who deepened what they experienced without any form of guidance.
Good example is Eckhart Tolle. His story goes that he was a little bit anxious, depressed and suicidal and then just woke up. The truth is he studied philosophy, psychology, mysticism, went to small religious groups and did the ACIM before his shift. After his shift he studied with several teachers (e.g. Barry Long) and monks. He also felt drawn very much towards Ramana Maharshi and Jiddu Krishnamurti.