Insight On Free Will

By harisankartj,
You are a product of what you experience , What you experience is not up to you to choose. Hence "free will" cannot even exist? Because what the ACTUAL HELL IS WHAT U CALL FREE WILL?!! Suppose you were born in a foreign country to foreign parents. Your whole worldview will stem from that localised experience. You imagine "I like food of my culture. I like clothes and music of my culture. Others i may like but they are still foreign.This is what i like.I seem to have the power to choose experiences that fit my agenda. AND hence i have free will. "  But did you choose  what type of music,people,clothes,food and experiences that you like? If so then that would mean even if you were born in another country and lived all your life would still be inclined to like the type of culture that you currently live in. Did you choose to read this post or were you led to read this post? If you did choose it then that would mean even if Leo hadnt come up with you would still be able to read this post? Because guess what, free will means "you get to choose what you experience" ,"you get to choose your action" ALL OF IT.  ALL your life ( mine included) is a reaction and embodiment of  local experience .  Humans have been blessed with an intelligent mind which enabled him to SEEMINGLY change reality.But you see you ultimately didnt choose the mind.Going meta and meta ,it is understood that nothing has ever been "your" choice ...Its simply reality "reality"-ing.The fact that humans have been blessed with the mind and intellect to manipulate reality is EXACTLY whats creating this notion of "free will" but this notion is simply just that , a notion.    PS FEEL FREE TO GIVE YOUR COUNTER ARGUMENTS.I  WOULD REALLY LOVE TO PUT MY INSIGHT TO THE TEST.