Symptom investigation and Recovery Journal

By ZenAlex in Self-Actualization Journals,
Going to document my recent suffering here and talk about everything I'm experiencing and everything I've tried to rule out and considered. Hopefully this will have some value to summarize all of it here, and may one day help someone else in a similar situation. I'll start by saying I'm annoyed at myself because at times haven't really done much practical to resolve these issues, just researched and procrastinated a lot when I couldn't find anything. ------------------------------------------------------------- About 7 months I started getting a strange set of symptoms. I've had unexplained symptoms for 8-9 years, and I'll document them below just in case a connection is made, but the symptoms I had before the last 7 months weren't getting in the way of me functioning like a healthy enough human. It was functional and reasonably enjoyable if I followed the right routine.  Symptoms that started around aug/sep 2023 -  Exaggerated stress response to physical activity - Any amount of prolonged physical activity makes me feel worse, but anything more than around 40-45 minutes of walking a day and I feel way more depressed, anxious, irritable. There's no way I could handle doing high intensity exercise or hikes right now. I've gotta keep the walks below a certain level or it ruins my mood for a while and also triggers physical symptoms. If I did 1 hour a day, I'd still be able to function but I'd feel terrible. Above an hour a day, I'd be seriously suicidal.  At times I experience lightheadedness and weird feelings of being unbalanced - Especially happens on days where I've had to walk more or gone on walks. When I stop physical activity for a few days the symptoms calm right down.  More sensitive reaction to mental exertion. Physical exertion impacts me more, but mental exertion is also pretty bad.  Random bouts of tinnitus - Exacerbated by physical exertion and sometimes mental. At times sharp pains around my body - Ab, rib, testicular. If I keep physical activity to an absolute minimum, it's minimal pain.  Sore stomachs - The worse the symptoms  get the worse my stomach gets along side that. I get GI issues, although if I avoid physical and sometimes mental exertion, the symptoms calm and are correlated by the level of physical and mental exertion involved. -------------------------------------------- What have I tried to resolve this? - Tests Had many different blood tests done - Looked at vitamins, minerals, cholesterol, hormones, thyroid, autoimmune.  B12 potentially not optimal, although active b12 within range, MMA test showed normal, so although it could be improved, not convinced b12 deficiency to such a degree that I'm willing to do Shots/High strength supps for reasons I'll get into below. Omega 3 ratios weren't in January 2024, but on advice from Michal took a Fatty Acids test and will see what that comes back with. SHBG levels were out of range. MPV platelets slightly high but no concern to docs, HDL cholesterol was slightly low in Feb, but doc was not concerned as LDL cholesterol and other cholesterol was "excellent". Other tests done - 24 hr ECG, 24 hr BP monitor by NHS doc. GP commented that sometimes BP dropping a bit low, have noticed this when taking myself, can do as low as 95/58, but often not that low, GP said it could be because I'm healthy. Heart results sent to cardiology, they want to do a 72 hour test and get me to fill in a diary of activity.  Food intolerance and Allergy test - Food intolerance test was IgG, not sure I have much faith in it, but the Food and Environmental Allergy test was IgE - Dust mites was one of the highest and I have known dusty rooms were a big irritator to my eyes. Not sure if my eye problems are related to underlying health issues or one specific allergy, but will continue to eliminate and allergy proof my environment, and see if I notice any patterns and connections.  Tests done and awaiting results - Done by me via company - Fatty Acids; Erythrocytes, DAO Histamine (Will consider an anti-histamine at some point to see if that helps). Done by nhs doctor - Fasting "9am test" SHBG/Testosterone, Cortisol, Thyroid recheck. Tests ordered -  Cortisol 4 point Saliva test, Active b12 recheck test (to see if dietary changes are impacting or if amount has lowered since nov), Covid antibody check test (not hopeful but might as well). ------------------------------------- Diet -  Eliminated Gluten - Stomach at times seems to feel a bit better, but not sure it had much impact. Other symptoms still very present. Am going to eliminate soy starting from later this week. Other - Ruled out hypoglycaemia - One of the first considerations since my issues come during physical activity. Thought it may be a blood sugar issue. My blood sugars were always within range. Even went out for a walk early morning, hadn't eaten since 6pm the day before, it was 8am, so 14hr fast. When I got back home after a walk, blood sugars within range, would often take 2-3 retests. The very occasional low result would be proven false after retests. Blood sugars would always return to normal in reasonable times after eating.  Health Anxiety ruled out - I have at times taken holidays from work and using computers, so I wasn't researching or trying to figure out my symptoms at all for 1-2 weeks at a time, it made little difference to my mood, and my symptoms were present. Since physical exertion is the primary exacerbator, I'd say this is unlikely, especially since the symptoms started before I was even looking into the symptoms at all. I highly doubt this is the issue. Am seeing a psychologist - Have had depression, anxiety, ADHD, OCD symptoms for many years, plus other negative mental health symptoms. Have never been able to resolve them just manage them. Since my mental health symptoms are obviously worse now, I am still open to the possibility it's a psychosomatic issue, although I'm not convinced. Still, trying to improve my mental health cannot hurt, I will hopefully gain more insight into my issues with a Paid Psychologist, rather than a free NHS one, which in the past have been basically useless.  Allergies - Trying to make my apartment less friendly for Dust Mites, Mold, bought an air purifier, will see how this impacts everything.  Considerations for possible causes/issues -  Adrenal fatigue - I suffer from some of the associated symptoms. Nothing I looked into as an answer really seems to be differing from what I am doing. Nutrient deficiency - Still a possibility, although not entirely sure. Everything so far as come back either optimal or adequate range, except Omega 3 which Is why I'm getting the fatty acids etc test done. Dietary Issue - Gut problem. This shouldn't be too difficult to test for as I eat similar things most days. I'm annoyed at myself a bit for not going through dietary elimination sooner.  Long covid - Maybe, although if I did catch Covid, it wasn't symptomatic at least not to a noticeable degree. Some of my symptoms line up with Post Exertional Malaise, although I don't feel particularly fatigued, just mentally bad amongst other physical symptoms. Cortisol Dysregulation/Nervous system issues/Mental health issues/Chronic stress - I haven't drank alcohol regularly or caffeine in years, but I have at times binged video games. I often am concerned about times in my life where I may have overstimulated myself. But the only thing is the only real answer to managing this seems to be stuff I'm already doing. My life isn't particularly stressful, there have been times I've not worked out as often, times where I've been less enthusiastic about meditation, times where I've allowed video games back into my life, but never have I allowed Allowed regular alcohol use, caffeine use, back into my life, and my diet has been healthy for a long time, I've never really slipped up on that.  Potential bad reaction to supplementation - I have seen some people talk about b12 supplementation triggering symptoms, and the months leading up to my symptoms starting I supplemented Cyanocobalamin daily, which is something I'd never done before the months leading up to these issues. I've even found people with Adrenal issues talk about this specifically. I hate when people say "just take supplements", as if there are no downsides lol. Supplements are unnatural to the body, they could definitely have side effects. I'm very concerned about supplements and medications, I'd love a natural solution to all of this.
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