Harmala extract vs Syrian Rue tea for oral DMT

By woohoo123 in Psychedelics,
Hi everyone, I usually boil 3-4g Syrian Rue as MAOI, wait 30 mins and then take DMT fumarate. This method is proven for me and I got solid trips off it.  The tea is gross so I'm trying to find easier alternatives.  I found this x5 Harmala extract off eBay (powdered capsules) which I was hoping to just be able to substitute for my Syrian Rue tea. I took 2 capsules (should be ~3.5g Syrian Rue seeds equivalent) and followed the same procedure.  I saw some light shapes, good relaxation but the trip never really 'took off'.  The only thing in question here is if I am taking the right amount of Harmala extract and if the timing (using the extract) is correct. Next time I can try to take 3 capsules of Harmala extract (~5g Syrian Rue, but I would never make a tea with this many seeds) but otherwise I'm a bit confused why this didn't work for me. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks everyone.
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