Understanding Away Anger

By Leo Gura - September 29, 2017

With anything you’re angry about — and I do mean ANYTHING — you can stop and ask yourself, “What aren’t I understanding about this situation? What is the bigger picture that I’m missing?” and I guarantee that you can find a bigger picture which makes you go, “Oh, of course… This is exactly as it must be. Reality is functioning perfectly so there’s nothing to be angry about.”

You could be getting nailed to a cross, and still find this understanding.

Now… whether you actually find this big picture, and how quickly you find it, is another matter. That will depend on your level of knowledge of the world, your level of personal development, and how much consciousness work you’ve done. Don’t expect to always find it if you’re a newbie to this work. But it is there to be found all the same. Which is nice to know. It’s easier to solve a puzzle when you’re sure it has a solution.

One way to see anger is as the result of too narrow of a perspective. The whole problem is, the mechanics of reality are so ingenious and epic, they dwarf the human mind. If you saw the mechanism in its entirety, you’d melt into a puddle of goo.

And don’t forget, if you’re unable to find the wider perspective, that’s also part of the mechanism.

It’s safe to start assuming that reality is perfect. The only imperfections are how you relate to it. And even those imperfections are perfect.

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