The Joy Of Creation

By Leo Gura - April 4, 2019

It took some gamer-nerd 300 hours to build this epic roller coaster. When I saw it, it reminded me of God’s infinite creative potential — of how life and reality just goes on and on and on like an endless roller coaster.

You might wonder, “So what? Why would someone waste 300 hours creating this silly thing? What the point?” The point is CREATION itself! God likes to create amazing stuff just for the hell of it. When you have infinite creative capacity, when you have unlimited intelligence, when you have unlimited power, when you have an eternity — what else are you gonna do? You have somewhere you gotta be?

CREATION is its own end. As you go chasing awakening and Nothingness, do not overlook CREATION! It’s everywhere and everything! You might look at this roller coaster and see some gamer-nerd making something pointless. But that’s not some nerd, that’s God! That is the unlimited creative force of the whole universe materializing itself into a roller coaster! God is the sum total of all chains of creation, of which this roller coaster is one chain. That force is designing everything from atoms to cells to animals to galaxies and beyond. Can you see it? It is unlimited creation. It cannot stop. It bursts infinitely with new creative forms and ideas, ultimately spawning everything that can ever be.

If life feels depressing and bleak, it’s because you’re failing to step into your role as Creator. Creation is a spiritual activity. Every time that gamer-nerd works on perfecting his roller coaster, he’s in church. And when you look upon and delight in his creation, recognizing the God in it, you are in church. What if your work and your church were one and the same? Wouldn’t that be a life worth living?

Never forget, you are a creator. You are THE creator. What are you gonna create with your life?

I hope it’s something at least as cool as this rollercoaster.

P.S. Notice what the guy in the video says at the very end of the ride, at timestamp 10 2. He says, “OH. MY. GOD!” That’s right. That’s exactly right.

P.P.S. Here’s another epic Aliens rollercoaster.

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