Molecular Biology Is God

By Leo Gura - September 25, 2023

If you look at molecular biology and you don’t see God, you’re more blind than a bat.

The intelligence and engineering that runs through every living cell in your body is absolutely mind-boggling and insane, and humans have only just begun to scratch its surface.

Look at this! Just look!

It’s not a question of, Did God design this? No! THIS IS GOD! You’re looking at GOD! GOD isn’t a bearded man in the sky, GOD is what you see above.

It’s insane that any of this works!

None of this is happening through “random mutation” or lucky coincidence.

Just 1 cell in your body is more intelligent and more masterfully engineered than any human machine. Scientists take this completely for granted. No human on this planet is intelligent enough to design even a single cell. No biologist has ever made a cell from basic chemical parts in the lab. Not even close. They don’t even have a theory for how it can be done. It is easier to build a rocket ship that flies to Mars than it is to build a single cell from scratch!

Your body contains about 100 trillion cells. And if they stopped coordinating perfectly with each other, you’d be dead within minutes. Compare this to humans, who can barely keep a society of 100 million people together. A single human body is more complex and more intelligently coordinated than all of human civilization by multiple orders of magnitude.

God is a living miracle! You are the miracle! When will you finally realize this?

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