Liberal Policies Can Be Harmful

By Leo Gura - April 5, 2024

If you are on the left, it’s important to acknowledge that leftist and liberal policies can be very harmful.

Since liberals are usually more developed than conservatives, it’s especially easy to lose site of the reality that just because a policy is left-wing does not automatically make it harmless. This is especially a trap for leftists because leftists are usually coming from good intentions and empathy, a desire to make society more fair, open, and kind. However, those intentions can easily backfire in catastrophic ways if you underestimate human nature and the realities of survival. Collective survival is a lot more challenging than any of your ideals and utopian fantasies. If you over-estimate human goodness, kindness, selflessness, consciousness, and level of development, you end up proposing policies that devolve into chaos and create much suffering. And, counter-intuitively, this devolution could kill more people than white supremacist neo-Nazism. In general, what I see is that the left is so busy fighting against the depravity of the right that they take no time to seriously self-reflect on the harms that could be caused by overly-liberal policy decisions.

Here’s a brief list of left-wing policies which could be very harmful:

  • Socialism, Communism, Marxism
  • Defunding the police
  • Drug legalization
  • Open boarders, unlimited immigration, unlimited multiculturalism
  • Unlimited globalism, unrestricted free-trade and job automation and outsourcing
  • Sacrificing economic growth for climate change action
  • Pushing for green energy even when green energy yet capable enough
  • Over-taxing and over-regulating business to the point where business packs up and leaves
  • Printing too much money, spending too much money, going into debt
  • Pacifism, demilitarization
  • Removing religion and faith from peoples lives
  • Being overly-liberal and permissive with sex
  • Confusing children with gender fluidity and queer gender ideology
  • Calls for revolution, calls for collectivizing private property
  • Nationalizing certain industries and businesses
  • Heavy top-down regulation
  • Suppression of speech, anti “hate speech” policies, excessive political correctness
  • Affirmative action, evaluating hires based on diversity vs merit
  • Unlimited technological advancement, unlimited scientific innovation
  • Accelerationism
  • Eroding the notion of objective truth, too much relativism
  • Pushing democracy and other liberal values on less developed parts of the world

I’m not saying any of these policies are necessarily bad or harmful, but as a leftist I want you to contemplate their potential harms. If you have convinced yourself that these policies cannot harm millions of people, then you’re fooling yourself. Fundamentally, what the mature leftist needs to come to realize is that being too liberal, too loose, with how you run society can lead to the deaths of millions of people. If you don’t understand that, you are so naive that you’re dangerous.

After much research and contemplation on the question of, Was Hitler, Stalin, and Mao liberal or conservative?, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not a good way to look at the issue. A better way is to break down their policies in liberal and conservative ones, and then evaluating which of those policies did the most damage and why. This doesn’t just apply to Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, this is a way to evaluate any political leader. Just categorize their policies by liberal vs conservative without paying attention to their professed ideology, because most political leaders are not pure, they have policies from both sides, and what matters most is the policy and its impact on people.

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