
🔴 Lost Touch With Motivation (VERY SERIOUS POST)

32 posts in this topic

dont worry zen, a blast of demotivation can sometimes be the energetic shockwave that precedes a massive step forward <3 ;l

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On 30/01/2024 at 6:58 AM, ZenSwift said:

My goals are siloed into 3 categories.

  • Book Writing
  • Life Coaching
  • YouTube Success

Life coaching? Really?? 

Ok maybe you can write a book about your own suffering and it could be very successful.. but life coaching.. come on dude .. Wake up! 


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Zenswift, basically you have set 3 lofty goals for yourself. The goals that you set would make you wealthy and hugely successful if you make them. However, these goals also have very barriers towards success which you have to push through.

So besides being motivated, you have to be disciplined. It is doing the work whether you feel like it or not. 

Life is short. You are going to die 150 years from now just like everyone else. So either do something or meditate or do nothing since you are going to die anyway. The choice is up to you.


Edited by hyruga

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@OBEler @hyruga 

@Fadl@Aaron p


Just want to confirm are you talking about the original post made a year ago or the update I just posted here? 





I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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On 2/4/2025 at 8:41 PM, ZenSwift said:

🔵 Zone of Genius: Speaking

@ZenSwift This doesn't cut it.

"Zone of Genius," strictly speaking, is the singular lane which ONLY YOU CAN FULFILL out of 8 billion humans.

"Speaking" at face value is something that everybody has access to, so you can't claim monopoly or superiority over it.

But even if you specified a particular kind of speaking, such as "philosophic discourse" or "energetic transmission," I bet I could find hundreds of people who do it better than you, even if you trained your whole life for it. Unless you really deeply believe you can be the best speaker of all time - in which case you must wonder to what extent you're fantasizing vs accurately assessing your abilities.

Regardless, if even a handful of people are doing it better than you ever could, then that means it's not actually your Zone of Genius.

And this isn't a dig against you or an attack on your capabilities, this is just the reality we deal with.

I myself believed at some point that some form of "speaking" would be my Zone of Genius. I have been told by numerous people from a young age that I have a strong voice, that I should become a speaker (one time a substitute teacher in 8th grade said "you should become an orator!" this stuck with me because I remember asking "what's that?").

And yet, I was wrong. Speaking is my Zone of EXCELLENCE, but not my Zone of GENIUS. I can be very eloquent and convincing, but I'm not Martin Luther King Jr. It's just a completely different playing field. This is really key, re-watch Life Purpose Course module 24 if this is causing confusion.

Which means my actual Zone of Genius cannot just be "Speaking," but rather is an idiosyncratic offshoot/intersection of various transmission frequencies. Maybe "speaking" is part of my Zone of Genius, but there are other adjacent (more important?) elements at work. There is an impact I can have that Martin Luther King Jr. could not. And it ain't "Speaking."

You shouldn't be able to state your Zone of Genius in one word, unless you are a historical-level generational talent (or on the clear trajectory of becoming one) such as Usain Bolt, who's Zone of Genius was truly and simply "running." But nearly every other sprinter cannot claim that title, their Zone of Genius is an idiosyncratic blend of "running" with other important personal factors.

If you take my words here seriously, this does complicate things and force you back to the drawing board. Which can feel very annoying if you just want to define yourself and move on with it. But I think it's not worth it to roll with a fake Zone of Genius, that will backfire down the road.

We want to truly know ourselves after all.

I also think it's not a bad thing to hold your Zone of Genius loosely. If you haven't figured out your ONE of ONE unreplicable lane, then saying "I'm discovering myself atm" is more honest than to shoehorn in something like "speaking"

It's freaky to think that every single person alive has a certain mode of excellence which is unreplicable by anybody else. Most people are so busy conforming that they don't comprehend the sleeping giant that they are.

Some people will unleash their Zone of Genius by conforming to premade social boxes. For example, Martin Luther King Jr's Zone of Genius was simply "speaking." And Usain Bolt's Zone of Genius is simply "running." Both highly saturated fields because they are simple, premade, socially accepted mediums of expression.

It's not so simple for you and I, or for anybody on this forum for that matter.

To us a metaphor, for the vast majority of us, we will not find our uniqueness by conforming with whole numbers (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc...) but rather, we must dare to be an irrational number like √2. Endlessly embrace your uniqueness. Of course, when you finally nail it, it cannot be verbalized. When you truly sink into your Zone of Genius, it will be more like a silent felt sensation of trust and right action.

But until we hit that point, it may be wise to question any simple conclusions that our mind may latch onto.

It's Love.

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Yeah I appreciate that clarification because I think I don't yet have enough experience to really nail down what exactly that pure Essence is. So far I'm just pretty damn sure about what to do next and what to train next and what experiences to expose myself to next. 

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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14 hours ago, ZenSwift said:

@OBEler @hyruga 

@Fadl@Aaron p


Just want to confirm are you talking about the original post made a year ago or the update I just posted here? 





Oh I didn't realise the op was a year old. Well my point still stands any loss of motivation or loss of anything positive or a build up or negative can happen right before a small or big breakthrough ;I

The only other piece of advice I think I'd give is don't feel the need to rush into anything too fast. Do your research and speak with ideally at least 10 people who have done what you want to do and carefully analyse the logistical components of becoming a life coach for example to see if it's really what you want. If it is then boom, your good. But it also might not be. There is a phenomenon of group think that can happen in self improvement circles like here at actualized, where everyone sort of just thinks they want to become a life coach or enlightened master, when in reality, life has a hell of a lot more options, some of which are just as good. It's also worth noting that Leo has previously made mention of having thoughts that pursuing something that is very advanced too early in life can interrupt the natural flow. God has recently been soothing my mind with the wisdom of zen and in particular, not forcing things to happen. Forcing things to happen too quickly without actually consulting the inner deity to see if it's his will can result in overextensions and blow outs and burn outs. I made a promise to the universe today that I won't be making anymore big decisions in life at all without consulting the inner deity before hand...that ultimately it isn't me that does or chooses anything. This doesn't discount some basic effort, but it dose offer a little wisdom to an Americanised approach that is otherwise oriented with forcefulness and raw mental strain.

Edited by Aaron p

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My point was more in relation to your first post but it's still the same. Either you do something or do nothing.

Actually, there's a huge conflict between your zone of genius: speaking and being a firefighter. These are two almost entirely different domains requiring different skillsets. 

If you are good at giving speech, you should at least be doing jobs like sales, telemarketing, copywriting or teaching. At least you will still be honing your skills in speaking while pursuing your ultimate goals.

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You know what actually motivates you?


Find out what it is that you're actually afraid of not accomplishing in your life.

That can make you motivated to go for it.

Edited by Atb210201

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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I find with productivity I know what I need to do.

It’s as simple as doing it or not doing it.

Right now I’m naked on my bed writing on a forum - relative to my LP I’m not doing it, that doesn’t mean I haven’t got the rest of today to make it happen.

check that your expectations of motivation are grounded in reality - what’s the vision here? You’re oosing with energy and inspiration everyday all the time? 

LP I about creativity and finishing projects. I didn’t see that as part of your strategy (apologies if I missed it) - remember the small wins part of the LP course. The idea is to get you into the momentum of building something through pure initiative, college or psychedelics are both not going to help you in this regard. 

Small wins:

- starting a blog and posting weekly

- writing a 20 page book

- publishing a short audiobook 


Physical achievements with deadlines.



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OP - Stop torturing yourself with 'I should be doing x' thoughts.

Most of life is completely out of your control.

If you do decide to force your life in a certain direction, then pick up the cross and work through it.

Embrace the struggle because it is a fact of life - but you can improve your relationship with struggle from an abusive one to a fulfilling one.

God and I worked things out

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You need inspiration, not motivation!

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