Siim Land

How To Face The Feeling Of Resistance

3 posts in this topic

Why haven't you achieved your success already? What stops people from doing what they know they're supposed to do? 

Steven Pressfield in his book The War of Art calls this invisible force RESISTANCE - the inner feeling of turmoil and the surmounting procrastination that ensues.

Resistance is accompanied by fear, anxiety, pushing things off and not taking action.

Basically, it's the reason for your writer's block, indecisiveness, lack of progress in your health pursuit and everything else you haven't done yet but know you need to do. You'll make numerous excuses as to why you're not ready, why it's not the right time and on and on...

The key to overcoming resistance is taking massive action - moving towards your fear and acting in spite of it instead of blindfolding yourself from it. 

Pressfield has another book called Do the Work - you have to do the work to get what you want. If you dare to have big dreams then be willing to accept the work that's necessary for them to turn into fruition.

Everyone gets resistance - Pressfield, Usain Bolt, Albert Einstein, you, and I - but those who accomplish great things manage to do their work despite the feeling of resistance. They've turned PRO - another Pressfield's book (Turning PRO). 

The difference between an amateur and the pro is that the amateur loves their craft but hasn't committed to it completely, whereas the pro loves his craft even more because of having dedicated themselves to it wholeheartedly. 

You HAVE TO TURN PRO. There will still be resistance but as a pro you ignore it, stop procrastinating and just do it.

Pressfield's books are a must read for anyone wanting to make actual progress in their creative work, personal development and success in life. 

How's your relationship with your Resistance?

Check out my video about it:

Overcome thy Resistance,
Stay Empowered!

Body Mind Empowerment 
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