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Do You Sense Your Thoughts Directly?

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I feel as if I have a "sixth sense" an internal sense a sense of my thoughts themselves. I know what information they contain without even hearing the internal voice speak them, or even feeling my internal touch writing them out. (I do not have an internal sense of sight, instead I touch my visionary thoughts) 


at first I thought that it was an extension of my internal sense of touch. but it is not, it is something else. it is as if I sense the information directly. if anything it is my original thought of youth. I can sense the whole idea in abstract, and tactily it moves about and forms a weight and texture and size - but those are the tactile side of my internal thought, the "sixth sense" is in addition to this. at its most direct explanation - it is knowing what it is exactly I am thinking of. not the after-knowledge of holding onto the thought - but the first-being of thought, that I feel the thoughts arise by my muse and this is sensed in this sixth sense. 


it is a split or full second upon thinking a thought before it gains the dimensions of the other senses - the dimensions of touch primarily, for me - and sometimes internal voice. but before those dimensions arise, I still sense the thought itself. and this sensing is unlike any of the other senses, instead it is a sense of just being aware of the thought. 



and I am unsure if it is even fair to call this sense awareness itself. as I understand it awareness is holding things at your attention, or at least attending them without any holding. in this way I can be aware of this sixth sense, or just let my awareness wan. but even if I am not aware of a sensation, lateron I can remember the sensation and only then am I aware of it - so I had to have sensed it to begin with. so it makes sense to me to say my sense of "thought" is not the same as my "sense of awareness" and is instead a separate thing. 




does this description ring familiar to you? do you feel as if you have a sense of your ideas, concepts, thoughts, and information, which only exists internal to your mind but not to any organ of your body, which reveals what it is you think? I believe even that it reveals the information held in the other senses too - but then it is responsive instead of the origin. when I see blue first I experience the sensation of the colors upon my eyes, and second I sense the realization that it is blue. and then only third to I mimic the blueness in some way in my mind - whether by claiming it with language or with my tactile internal "sight". so in this way the sense of thought is its own sense and is not the same as awareness. 



do you have it? are you unaware and would need to meditate upon it to discover if it is there or not? for me I have had it for as long as I remember, but only was able to acknowledge it and even give "name" to it recently. tho in this context by "name" I mean to create some kind of symbol in my head which helps point to the idea - a tactile experience. as I said, I do not have internal imagery and only have internal sound for the sole purpose of my internal voice - and at that it is monotone. 


I keep ending with distractions. so now I end  with the main question this thread has the purpose of. do you have, internally, a sixth sense, which senses the information of thought, transfers the understanding of what it is that is contained by your various forms of thinking? are you aware of such a thing in you?

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