Magic Truffles Bought In Amsterdam Trip Report

Sick Boy
By Sick Boy,
Hello. I just want to inform everyone that Magic Truffles can be a powerful tool for conciousness work. Sorry if I make grammar mistakes, English is not my main language. The shops where Magic Truffles are sold are named Smartshops, not Coffeshops. I went to one located in Red Light District. I told the clerk that I wanted truffles for meditation practice, and he recommended 10 grams of "Atlantis" tuffles. 15 grams is the recommended dose for full effect, but better start with 10, trust me. A friend was taking care of me while tripping. I took them without empty stomach because I made the mistake of having a big breakfast before, and I was in a time constraint. I should have only drink a juice. After 1 hour, my body started to relax. I started to notice colors way more vivid and I developed more visual acuity. I also noticed more sounds with my hearing. I had a small visual hallucination when looking to the ceiling of the room. I saw a lot of small bones and skulls. I understood that I don't have to be afraid of bones and skulls, because some day I will be part of them as it should be. I started to talk with my friend. I noticed how I didn't have any worry or anxiety. I was happy as I was in that moment. Then I understood how worries and axieties are toughts, and also my sense of self was also a tought. So we were just nothingness. We stayed silent for 20 seconds. We couldn't add anything to the conversation. I dind't have a non-dual experience, but now I understood way more deeply what Leo and Eckart Tolle talk about. I have 2 friends that are great examples on how to live life. Free of fears and anxieties, having a lot of experiencies and enjoying all the range of possibilities that life offers. My life has no rational meaning, but I'm here to grow and blossom as best as I can, as these 2 friends do. There is no sense on living a life with fear, anxieties or anger. As I said, all these things are nothing new for me, but this time it hit way more deeply. I wanted to live my life to its fullest.  I also cried when I realized how insignificant is my life. But I cried because I was having compassion of myself. On how much I suffer, trying always to do my best, taking my problems so seriously. This deep realization lasted 1 hour (cried for 5 minutes :P). After that, my body keep in a relaxed state for a few hours more, until the effect of the drug finished. By the way, I have taken MDMA some years ago, and I think the effect is pretty similar. The problem is that I mixed them with alcohol and partying, so I din't experienced these things before.