Extreme Z7

I've Seen A Couple Hairs On The Oxen's Tail! (and It's Pretty Sweet)

3 posts in this topic

I am NOT the field of vision

I am NOT the sense of hearing, feeling, or emotion

I am NOT thought nor its creator

What I used to believe was me was never in my direct experience at all! EVER! It was just never there! I was just never there! It's so obvious!

But yet, I am everywhere in direct experience! Not just everywhere, but everywhere SIMULTANEOUSLY!

How can that be? it's IMPOSSIBLE! Being everywhere simultaneously as opposed to being a single point in space.

I am not my experience but simply am AWARENESS of it.

When "I" have a thought, I am not its creator. Simply, thought arises and I am awareness of its existence before it inevitably vanishes back to nothing.

Same goes with everything else. And this awareness is not anything, but it is PRESENT! It does exist! Because it is me!

I AM empty

I AM pure bliss

I AM being



I AM not yet enlightened, though. Now I see the illusion of myself that I used to think was real just doesn't make any damn sense! Enlightenment makes sense to me now. But I still have tons more work to do. 'Til next time.

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