
How do you define multitasking? Is this one?

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I learn several things just like we all do. My work gives me the opportunity to study more, basically, I have ample time to study. So I spend my time studying things that will help me at work - to do more at work (of course I am not clear as to what to learn, and I am a bit confused about it).

Let's say there are two different concepts. One is related to web development (the one I am also interested in learning, nothing to do with work and a noob in this area) and the other is related to the cloud (servers and all that, no programming here). Now how do I learn these - like split my time? Splitting time equally doesn't make sense to me as I may be switching to the second topic when I shouldn't - to maintain the flow. And so here I feel that splitting time has to be done in some other way. Not sure how I go about this. Any ideas?

And do you think I'm multitasking if I am learning two different concepts on the same day? Or do I spend a few days, let's say on web development, then when I feel like I have learned a few chapters and switch to the other concept (cloud things) when I don't feel like I've sort of switched out abruptly from the first concept (web development things)

In case you feel like I'm having trouble sticking to one thing, yes. That's right, but I'm trying not to poke my nose into too many things. I still didn't find what to master, and at the same time, I need to learn work-related things to make a living (still a non-committed guy) in the hope that I can use the time to find out what I wanted to master. Then this will be a single path, no diversions, how twisted the path may be.

So how do I go about this? How can I split the time so that I can effectively learn instead of multitasking (if I'm doing it)?

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