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Possibility of my first channeling experience?

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I am tripping on LSD today, nothing too serious, dose is quite low, probably no more than 150ug.

It has been quite some time since my last trip, so i decided to take it slow today, but still, had a feeling that there has been a lot of questions that I have contemplated, but was unable to really answer with my baseline consciousness.

During the peaking hours, I was sitting still and meditating, and had a lot of questions rise:

Who am I? How can I be sure that this is real? What is true reality, is it an illusion now?

All these questions, lot of them I thought I knew the answer, but it was somebody else's answer to the same question. I was sure that someone else's experience is the Truth, without me every finding it out myself.

And then when I subtly asked a question:

"Who am I?"

That's when i started speaking words. They had no intention, no thought, yet they were powerful, they were my words, but it wasn't the body that was saying that. It was someone else. But there is nobody else!

These words, they gave me a clear understanding that I am God, yet i still had doubt. 

I asked myself, why is there doubt? Who am I doubting, when the only thing to doubt is my own self.

That's about as far as I could go with this. The doubt of what is real still remains a mystery, I had glimpse, I saw it, I felt it with my own being, yet I still sit here contemplating, if the Truth is really... The Truth?

After this trip im pretty sure im ready for much higher doses, there's no longer any mind blowing realizations with such low dosage of LSD.

Edited by KGrimes

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....possible your SUBconscious was speaking??      or was it revealing one of its superpowers?  neuroplasticity. Is this channeling neuroplasticity in overdrive/realtime?  Epiphanies happening so fast your subconscious spits them out as fast as they form?????  *my theory

once or twice I too felt a "channeling" vibe during a journey.  very powerful!

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It is powerful, but confusing, as it threatens the ego that it is not what it is. So now that I think about it, maybe it was the ego that was doubting God itself?

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15 hours ago, KGrimes said:

It is powerful, but confusing, as it threatens the ego that it is not what it is. So now that I think about it, maybe it was the ego that was doubting God itself?

LOLOL I too doubt it was channeling, it my ego doubting it?    I'll wait for it to happen again. :)

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It was Infinity (you) speaking to you (limited) and your ego (limited) was doubting it. 

So, yes, it was channeling. 

Edited by Pudgey

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