
What is Toxic Masculinity?

17 posts in this topic

What are some clear & concise definitions of what toxic masculinity is?

What makes masculinity toxic?

What makes masculinity healthy?

What is healthy masculinity? What does that look like?

What is toxic femininity? What is healthy femininity? What do these look like & how are they different?


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My opinion is there is no such thing as toxic masculinity or femininity,its all about character of the person with masculinity/femininity...

Toxic man is toxic,toxic woman is toxic simple as that...

Also healthy not healthy is relative something healthy in my eyes is toxic in someone elses,something healthy in societies standards makes you a weak male in most of the cases in context of women...

Who teaches us whats real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?Who chain us? And who holds the Key that can set us free? 

It's you.

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Andrew Tate

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Toxic masculinity is not masculinity at all. It is immaturity guised as masculinity, but it has nothing to do with it. The entire game of toxic masculinity is that it is something that isn't masculinity but it is being portrayed to you as something that is masculinity.

Fundamentally, it's called "toxic" because it's dysfunctional, right? Being dysfunctional doesn't have anything to do with masculinity, that's just your own neuroses sneaking in and using masculinity as a cover. That's my point.

It's basically just the ego doing what it always does, using whatever it can to take cover, but this time around it uses masculinity to justify itself. Sometimes it uses religion. Sometimes it uses science. But, this time it uses masculinity.

Here is an example of how it might work:

Someone might think that being masculine means being "strong". Someone else comes up to this person and calls them a moron. This makes them angry and vengeful. Now, their mind looks for some sort of excuse or justification for causing punishment to this person so that it can feel good about itself again. Oh, yeah, masculinity means being strong right? If I punch this guy in the face, that shows strength, and thus proves my masculinity, it all makes perfect sense. And so, they escalate themselves into a physical altercation. 

So, in this scenario, it's just the ego taking hold of some perverted idea of masculinity in order to justify beating someone up, and thus toxic masculinity is created.

True masculinity would be realizing that being triggered into a physical altercation over words is in and of itself a sign of "weakness", since it shows lack of confidence in your own self.


Edited by Osaid

"God is not a conclusion, it is a sudden revelation. When you see a rose it is not that you go through a logical solipsism, "This is a rose, and roses are beautiful, so this must be beautiful." The moment you see it, the head stops spinning thoughts. On the contrary, your heart starts beating faster. It is something totally different from the idea of truth." -Osho

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@Zion there is such thing psychologically, when dealing with men and women.  

when you make the feminine energy feel uncomfortable and masculine, instead of protected and comfortable, that’s toxic masculinity. 

when you can get other men to compete with you outside of circumstances and women to fear you that’s toxic masculinity.

As a woman I bring positive feminine energy when a man is confident and has him self together, I’ll surrender because men are smart and strong so if you don’t have your life together you can’t help me with mine. (As a woman perspective). 

When a woman has her life together financially physically and emotionally it is the same thing of a different flavor. She will show it in a softer and open way where as a man will show it as a forward and embracing motion towards life. 

So positive vs masculine energy manifests in different traits. Some are human behaviors some are male and female behaviors. So making categories after you researched the differences between masculine and feminine energy and you’ll get your answers. 

stop trying to make your girlfriends into your man friends and you’ll see the difference. Hope this helps. 

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Toxic masculinity refers to the societal expectations and stereotypes placed upon men to be dominant, aggressive, emotionally detached, and unfeeling. These expectations can lead to harmful behaviors such as misogyny, sexual harassment, and violence. Toxic femininity, on the other hand, refers to the societal expectations and stereotypes placed upon women to be passive, submissive, emotional, and nurturing to the point of self-sacrifice. These expectations can lead to harmful behaviors such as internalized misogyny, self harm, self-objectification, and unhealthy relationships.



As an individual, name 5 things i can do to end such toxicity and encourage healthy gender norms



Here are five things you can do as an individual to end toxic masculinity and toxic femininity and encourage healthy gender norms:

Educate yourself and others: Learn more about toxic masculinity and toxic femininity and the harm they cause. Share what you learn with others and start conversations about how we can promote healthier gender norms.

Challenge stereotypes: Challenge gender stereotypes in your own life and encourage others to do the same. Question assumptions and expectations about how men and women should behave and encourage individuals to embrace their own unique identities.

Model healthy behavior: Model healthy gender norms in your own life by treating others with respect and kindness, being emotionally expressive and communicative, and challenging harmful behaviors when you witness them.

Support gender equality: Advocate for gender equality and support policies and organizations that promote gender equity and healthy gender identities. Vote for candidates who prioritize gender equity and equality.

Be an ally: Be an ally to those who are marginalized due to their gender identity or expression. Stand up against discrimination and harassment and support those who are fighting for their rights.

give me 5 slogans that express support of healthy gender norms


Here are 5 slogans that express support of healthy gender norms:

"Break free from gender stereotypes, bring forth your authentic self."

"Equality doesn't mean sameness and uniformity, it means fairness and respect."

"Be the change you want to see in the world: model healthy gender norms for all."

"Gender is a spectrum, not a binary: respect and celebrate diversity."

"Real strength lies in vulnerability: be emotionally expressive and communicative."



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There is such a thing as toxic masculinity and toxic femininity.

Imbalance between the feminine and the masculine, when there is only one part that isn't supported by the other, creates toxicity.

Or it may be worded as imbalanced masculinity and imbalanced femininity.

Imbalanced masculinity is abusive, destructive, narcissistic, selfishly harsh and cold. 

It's gaining power for the sake of it at the expense of others.

Imbalanced femininity is too passive, with victim mentality, conformist, manipulative, co-dependent.

It's closing eyes to the evil in the world, being too passive about it and do noting.

They complete each other.


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On 3/21/2023 at 2:26 PM, Zion said:

What are some clear & concise definitions of what toxic masculinity is?

What makes masculinity toxic?

What makes masculinity healthy?

What is healthy masculinity? What does that look like?

What is toxic femininity? What is healthy femininity? What do these look like & how are they different?


Toxic masculinity is a term that was coined by Men’s Rights Activists that describe the toxic expectations that men and boys have put upon them by society.

So, it’s things like the expectation to never cry or show emotions. Or the expectation to behave in unhealthy macho ways.

Healthy Masculinity is the natural Masculinity that’s subtle and unpretended that comes from the inside.

Toxic Masculinity comes from social pressures and is more like a mask of socially enforced “Masculine” traits that society expects men and boys to wear.

And many of these expectations make a man callous, brutish, emotionally unintelligent, and womanizing if he “successfully” adheres to these expectations.

There are toxic Feminine expectations too. Things like “be submissive and self-sacrificing” or “your only importance is your appearance”. Things like that.

But most of those are self-deprecating. So, the toxicity happens inwardly… and sometimes toward other women.

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4 hours ago, Emerald said:

Toxic masculinity is a term that was coined by Men’s Rights Activists that describe the toxic expectations that men and boys have put upon them by society.

Toxic masculinity was definitely not coined by MRA’s 

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1 hour ago, Raze said:

Toxic masculinity was definitely not coined by MRA’s 

Actually is was. Just not the ones you are thinking of.

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1 hour ago, Raze said:

Toxic masculinity was definitely not coined by MRA’s 

It was.

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In my opinion the way to reduce "toxic masculinity" to it's simplest explanation is abuse of power.

Men generally have more power than women (especially historically). They are physically more powerful, create more power for themselves in society/culture, and inherit more power in the world in various ways.

In most of the ways "toxic masculinity" appears, a man is abusing the power they have in some way that is exploitative, reckless, greedy, etc.

A typical and easy to grasp example is a ridiculously buff guy with a small girlfriend/wife. She might feel really attracted to his ability to protect her and make her feel safe, but if he starts using that power to physically abuse or intimidate her, that's turning a traditionally masculine trait into something unhealthy/toxic.

Edited by Roy


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It's masculinity that causes harm.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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1 hour ago, Gesundheit2 said:

It's masculinity that causes harm.

Toxic masculinity is the harmful one.

Healthy masculinity is protective, empowering and just.

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@Roy So by this definition, healthy masculinity is the equal or morally-respected use of power? And if that's the case, then there is only "Linity" as appose to masculinity & femininity, & the toxic version of either one is the abuse of the power, given the circumstances by either one. This way we categorize toxic femininity as unhealthy women & toxic masculinity as unhealthy men, simply put. And for both to stay healthy, they must be in harmony with one another; compliment one another. 

So it all comes down to what the society & culture at-large thinks is morally just & true. That is what determines the respect each sex gives to one another & explains why ways of sexual attraction are so diverse amongst men & women; why people can be attracted to very different things. If this is all true, then the real question to be asking is what is morally right? What kind of world-system is ideal for this healthy pairing? 

Perhaps there is toxic femininity & toxic masculinity because there is so much overstimulation of everyone, to the point that men & women look for the extreme version of what society & culture deems attractive, given the world-system they are in. And with that, there are only so few options of these extreme desirable traits, & rarely are these traits attached to a man or woman that is genuinely healthy.

Interesting perspective. 

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32 minutes ago, Mormegil said:

Toxic masculinity is the harmful one.

Healthy masculinity is protective, empowering and just.

Yeah, that's what I meant. Sorry for the wording. I didn't notice it can be interpreted this way.

My main point was that we don't need to overthink what the term means. Toxic masculinity is simply any masculine behaviors/qualities that cause harm rather than good, whether to oneself or another.

I think generally when people go deep into certain topics, they can forget the most obvious and basic stuff. So I thought I might add this reminder.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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3 hours ago, Gesundheit2 said:

My main point was that we don't need to overthink what the term means.

Ah yes, 100 % agree. Sometimes inventing too many new terms overcomplicates things.

Edited by Mormegil

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