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Online Tool For Creating Customised Productivity Environment?

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I'm looking for any kind of online platform where I could, for example, make a 6 separate custom columns (my columns: urgent & important, not-urgent & important, urgent & not-important, not-urgent & not-important, waiting, and done tasks), so I could see them in one page aligned vertically. And where I could easily add, edit and delete tasks from those columns as well as easily move a task from one column to another using the mouse movement. To the same I'm looking it to have an account registration, so it could be accessible from anywhere. So basically it's anything that would be customable enough to create the planning environment I've just described, or at the minimum something that allows to visually organise tasks using "Eisenhower Matrix", although perfectly I would like to include additional "waiting" and "done" boxes, and to have all of them aligned vertically in columns each to each other.

Any ideas? :)

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