
Talents People Take For Granted

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Everyone is born with some type of aptitude, an advantage, something that just comes natural and sometimes they take it for granted and assume others have the same ability. What's worse is many people are not even aware they have talents and as a result believe themselves to have little to no value. Your role in life is to experiment and discover what your talents maybe.

Here is a list of talents many people take for granted. Many of the listed talents are also skills as well, not all talents are skills like height for example is not a skill but it is a talent. Every talent's value is tied to its application, being tall can help in basketball but will hinder you if you wanted to be a jockey in horse racing.

1. Good at organizing gross material objects (Cleaning, tidying): Some people you can drop them into a junky room and they can figure out how to clean it, not just get rid of dirt and dust bunnies but actually put things together in an organized manner, some can even make it look stylish. This is a great ability and yes you can get paid for it, look into interior design.

2. Good listener, really good at picking up on subtle body and emotional clues along with the words spoken: A person like this can make a good interrogator, psychiatrist, Detective/Police Officer, Debater/Lawyer, Salesman, and Teacher. This is actually one of the most paramount skills you can learn, and some people just have a natural aptitude for listening. Listening can be the difference between a marriage and a divorce, getting a raise, signing a big business contract, and whether there is peace or war. Don't underestimate the power of this talent.

3. Speaking: This one is self-explanatory, your ability to communicate your thoughts clearly will get you noticed, your ability to educate or inform will get you respect, your ability to entertain will get you loved, and your ability to inspire will get you sought after. Speaking is a fundamental skill we all must learn, but as always some do have a natural aptitude to express themselves much more easier than others.

4. Fashion: In the modern world image is powerful. When trying to build a brand those that follow you design a mental image of who you are based on how you are visually represented. Your clothes, your facial expressions, your mannerisms expressed in body language, the different images and branding you use to separate yourself. Fashion isn't just the clothes you wear, its how you express yourself in it. This is the difference between someone saying "You rocking that suit man, versus "That's a rocking ass suit you got man." Think presence, the gait of your walk, your demeanor it all matters. Those who understand fashion usually become designers, and some Image Consultants. 

5. Jokes: Know how to lighten up an environment with a well-timed joke? Many a comic was a victim of either bullying or hard times and used jokes as a weapon to defeat their bullies or soften the tough times. Jokes are one of the few ways where honesty can actually be rewarded. Many times people fear the truth but if you can wrap it up in a joke people can accept it and laugh at the silliness we collectively engage in. Jokes while great, are hit or miss. Jokes are a wonderful talent to have and a nice skill to develop if you lack it.

6. Restraint: Some people are naturally good at self-control, they know how to control their impulses and not allow them to run wild. Learning not to give in to emotional whims, and how to not give in to biological desires easily is a talent some are born with, but it would still need cultivation/fine tuning to turn into the powerful force it can ultimately be in your life. With restraint in place, many things like overeating, and overindulgence of any kind can become a piece of cake.

7. Forgiveness: Yes forgiveness is a talent, some people have the ability to forgive rather easily, and do not take most slights personally but develop an impersonal perspective to life. People like this can shake off sleights and misgivings of other people, and can even overcome traumatic experiences a lot easier than those who lack this talent. Think of forgiveness as your ability to be detached from the things that people have done to harm you thus allowing you the ability to move on. 


So there you have it some talents (that are also skills) that people can be born with that most take for granted and do not see the value in it. There are many more I could list of course I just listed the ones I noticed get overlooked a lot by people I have come across in my life. The most overlooked one I noticed is listening. As stated earlier listening is powerful it is one half of communication. As such if you master just listening alone, you are half-way from becoming a master of socialization. In fact I would argue that listening is more important than speech, since most people you deal with are self-centered and would rather hear their own voice than yours. Anyway take from this what you will, have a blessed day!!!

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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