
What is Masculinity?

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Seriously, what is masculinity? 

What do you view masculinity to be? What is your definition?

What is femininity? How do you define it?

I think masculinity is the presumptions of what a specific biological male ought to be for the sake of a specific biological female, given the intuitions that have collectively created society's norms. Is masculinity only there when femininity is present? And if so, what is a human-being's role in civilization without either present? If masculinity is always present even without femininity, then what role/function does it play then for society at large? Why have masculinity? Why have femininity? Why are they important? What do either do for humanity? How to they work together, such that they supposedly help to create a balanced & healthy society/civilization? What is important to you if you are masculine? What is important to you if you are feminine? It seems to me that what society says is being masculine is to be an impactful leader/force to the world. And to be feminine is to be one who chooses & steers that leadership's direction. These definitions still don't really explain what either of them are really or why they are important, or if they are true. What are they? If they are subjective, who are the ones who decide on it's definition for the collective as a whole? Who are the ones who society deems to have immense masculinity & femininity? 

Are femininity & masculinity just ideals for a world enthralled by it's personal fantasies? How true & real are these things if societal norms are taken away, if civilization is taken away, etc? What does that look like? Perhaps masculinity & femininity is the outward expression of what it feels like to interpret & be the way you are, given your body & environment? And whatever comes with that outward expression more so than others, is deemed favorable & true as appose to other's expressions. Meaning masculinity is constantly changing by means of its ability to impact the world in an attractive way to that of the feminine. And vise versa with feminine. So now the question becomes; what does society & the modern world generally view the most masculine traits to be? What does society & the modern world generally view the most feminine traits to be? Which traits are more favorable societally & culturally than others, by means of popular vote? What determines the change in attraction for each polarity? What is being sought after by each polarity at the core of each favorable attribute? What is the end goal of each one's desire? Is there something each one is seeking beyond just fun & enjoyment; as that is what relationships & humanity's mentality seems to be. We're all just fucking around, having fun, seemingly seeking to progress our evolution & status without any purpose other than for the fun of it, for the hell of it.

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I would say its a self made individual, who is standing on everything that he is and is living up to that standard with no excuses,bitterness,blaming ...

Who teaches us whats real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?Who chain us? And who holds the Key that can set us free? 

It's you.

You have all the weapons you need 

Now fight.

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@Zion I also asked myself this question, but in the larger context.


And in the end, it depends on who you ask this question. People like Andrew Tate try to hold on to traditional masculine traits. Other people try to define masculinity and femininity for themselves. 


Because, both masculinity and femininity seem to be social constructs (I'm kinda stuck in reflecting WHY they are social constructs tho, can anyone help me with that please?) Anyways, since both are constructed, you can change them in any way that is authentic to you: What ratio of masculinity/ femininity do you want to embody? Do you want to incorporate an energy that is outside of masculinity and femininity as well? Do you even want to call it "masculinity" or do you want to use another label that some "masculine" women, for example, would also identify with?


Anyways, I want to stop answering your questions with my questions and give you my barely reflected thoughts:


Masculinity is embodying manipulation. Not necessarily in a bad way, but masculine energy definitely changes, creates and morphs things in the world. You lead. You take care of your own life and don't always go with the flow, if you don't like where the flow is taking you. You desire the feminine. The feminine constantly tests and challenges you.


You can read "The Way of the Superior Man" by David Deida. it's on Leo's booklist. That book explains in great detail what it's like to LIVE your masculinity. 

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