Simon Christiansen


13 posts in this topic

Hello folks.


I was wondering what you think happens when we die.

When I say "die", I mean in the sense most people think of it. (some people think we go to heaven, some think it's nothing, and so on).

As I understand. What many spiritual teachers teach, is that you're not limited to what dies, like my physical body.

So when I "die". Wouldn't it make sense, that I realize it was all an illusion, and in turn see the truth as it is? (enlightenment?)

(And no. I won't kill myself :) )


I could probably write this better somehow. But I think you should see my point, despite how limited language can be in this sense.



BR. Simon Christiansen.

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I hope this doesn't sound too strange, but I am thinking that in life perhaps we are nothing more than a series of actions and in those actions love is the driving force.  Good things and bad things.  It's simply for the love of the action and nothing more.
It might possibly be like a wave that we are all riding on, but not aware of most of the time - these actions retain a memory - and drive things forward - and perhaps when we die we become a part of those actions energetically and lovingly, but without a psychical form, and we join our ancestors.

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4 hours ago, Simon Christiansen said:

I mean in the sense most people think of it. (some people think we go to heaven

It will be easier if we understand few about the interval between the giving up of one body and the taking of another. 

First, the fact is that the experiences of that interval are like dreams. Whenever one experiences something, at that moment the experience is that of a real happening. But when one recalls it in memory, it becomes like a dream; it is dreamlike because there is no use of the senses. Your feeling and your conviction that a happening is real come through your senses and your body.

After the giving up of one body and before the taking of another we do not have senses. The body itself is not there, so whatever you might experience in that state is like a dream, as if you are seeing a dream. When we see dreams, we do not doubt their reality. This is very interesting. After some time we come to doubt its reality, but we never doubt it while in the dream. The dream seems real. That which is real sometimes causes us to doubt whether what is seen is real or not, but in a dream such a doubt is never created. Why? Because a dream will not tolerate the slightest doubt; otherwise it will immediately break.

Just similar to this condition is the interval between two bodies. Whatever happens during that period seems absolutely real – so real that we can never know such a reality with our eyes and senses. The heavenly damsels they encounter are so real to them – real such as no woman seen through our senses can ever be. That is also why there is no end to the miseries of spirits. Their miseries befall them so realistically, such as they never do in real life.

So what we call heaven and hell are just deep dream lives. The intensity of the fire burning in hell can never be found in real life, though it is a very inconsistent fire. In scriptures, there are descriptions of the fires of hell, into which you are thrown without being burned. But one is never aware of this inconsistency – that if you were thrown into an intense fire you would not be able to withstand the heat; yet you are not in any way being burned. This inconsistency, that ”I am being burned in the fire,” that the fire is terrible, that the burning is unbearable and yet ”I am not burned at all,” is realized only after one is out of this dreamlike experience.

In the interval between two births, there are two types of souls. One type is of evil souls. For them it is difficult to find a womb for another birth. The other type consists of good souls. For such souls also it is difficult to find suitable wombs for taking another birth.

Between these two are the majority of souls in which there is no fundamental difference, but only a difference of character, personality and mental make-up. They are born immediately.

During that interval, there is no clear awareness of the duration of time. Because of this, Christianity has said that there is hell forever. This is said on the basis of the memory of those who have seen a very long dream. It was such a long dream that when they returned they had no memory of any relationship between this body and the previous one. That is why they said that hell is eternal and it is very difficult to get out of it. Good souls see happy dreams and evil souls see unhappy dreams. Only because of their dreams are they feeling unhappy and miserable.

Heaven and hell are also memories of a dream period. Descriptions can be given. It is only on such descriptions that concepts of heaven and hell have been evolved by all religions. The descriptions are different not because the places are different, but because the mental states of the individuals recalling the experiences are different. Therefore, when Christianity describes heaven, it will be different from what Hinduism will describe, because descriptions depend on different states of consciousness. 

Actually, every person will bring back a different story. It is more or less like when we all sleep in the same room and then get up and describe our dreams. We have slept in the same room; we are at the same place, but our dreams will be different. Everything depends upon the person.

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You wake up back to oneness.




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18 hours ago, Simon Christiansen said:

I was wondering what you think happens when we die.

Just a change of scenery.

My Blog : : Pure Experiences : : Pure Knowledge

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@Simon Christiansen There are a lot of theories about this. No one can conclusively answer it because it's not possible to comprehend with our mind. One theory says, when we become fully liberated we can remember all of our past lives. That's kind of strange because liberation is the realization that we are God. The life of God can't have any beginning or end otherwise it wouldn't be infinite. What we consider to be our life is just an illusion from that perspective.  

The people who were liberated came up with the idea of souls to help the average human understand. All of these ideas are too airy-fairy for most people to grasp. They said there is an atman (individual spirit) and Brahman (Great Spirit). Both of those are connected to each other and they are infinite. The atman appears to occupy individual bodies/minds but isn't really bound to them. Atman can change bodies whenever it wants to. 

My answer is that, it's impossible to answer with our limited mind. I think there is something that lives on but nobody can prove it. In quantum physics they are discovering something non-material appears as matter so I think matter is a secondary phenomenon. 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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Killcam, then respawn countdown. Use the time to flame the team bro

Here's my key; Philosophy. A freak like me just needs Infinity.

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On 2017-02-27 at 11:45 PM, Simon Christiansen said:

I was wondering what you think happens when we die.

Almost nothing except that your body is gone

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This is very interesting topic :) and bugging me all the time, due to my research there wont be death because there is no birth. 

In a sense of body-mind state, then I wonder myself what will happen with my focal awareness. But there is no time either, just illusion of it,  so I might be dead already. 

To understand this we have to understand Reality. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Death is a return to whatever state we inhabited before we were born.  

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Thank you all for your answers.

Personally, I believe there must be something. Because when there is nothing, there will be no sense of time, which means no matter how long it takes to experience the next thing, it will feel like no time ever passed.

As to what comes next, I still don't know. But your answers have given me a lot more to think about that.

The theory from @Life Coach about killcam sounds fun :)

@Prabhaker gave a very in-depth answer, and I feel most of it made sense. For me it is difficult to make sense of a lot of this non-dual stuff, since I've long been a very dry and logical person until last summer. And I won't just believe something without understanding why. But your answer made sense since it explained the "why" and not just the "what". Now I only got more questions :D

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