
ChatGPT Come try it out

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@zurew @Leo Gura this is hilarious

"Make 1 pick-up line from each stage of consciousness":

Beige (survival consciousness): "Hey, do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes."

Purple (tribal consciousness): "Are you a tribe leader? Because you're the one in charge of my heart."

Red (egocentric consciousness): "Are you a magnet? Because you're attracting me like crazy."

Blue (absolutist consciousness): "Are you a religious leader? Because you're the answer to all my prayers."

Orange (achievement consciousness): "Are you a goal? Because you're something I'm constantly working towards."

Green (relativist consciousness): "Are you a rainbow? Because you bring diversity and beauty to my life."

Yellow (integral consciousness): "Are you a puzzle? Because you fit perfectly into my life and complete me."

Turquoise (holistic consciousness): "Are you a sunflower? Because you bring light and joy to everything around you."

Indigo (cosmic consciousness): "Are you the universe? Because you contain infinite possibility and beauty."

Violet (transcendent consciousness): "Are you a miracle? Because you bring transcendence and enlightenment to my life."

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What are the limitations of Spiral Dynamics?

Spiral Dynamics is a theory that explains how human cultures and societies evolve over time and how individuals within those societies move through different stages of development. It was developed by psychologists Don Beck and Christopher Cowan, and it has been applied to a wide range of fields, including psychology, sociology, education, and business.

Like any theory, Spiral Dynamics has certain limitations that should be considered when using it to understand and analyze complex social and cultural phenomena. Some of the main limitations of Spiral Dynamics include:

  1. Reductionism: Spiral Dynamics reduces complex social and cultural phenomena to a series of discrete stages or levels, which may oversimplify or overlook important nuances and variations within and between societies.
  2. Determinism: The theory suggests that individuals and societies progress through predetermined stages of development, which may underestimate the role of agency and choice in shaping individual and collective outcomes
  3. Universality: Spiral Dynamics has been applied to a wide range of cultures and societies, but it is not clear how well the theory generalizes to all cultural contexts.
  4. Emphasis on individual development: While Spiral Dynamics emphasizes the importance of group dynamics and cultural influences on development, it primarily focuses on individual development and may not adequately capture the complexity of social and cultural processes.
  5. Limited empirical support: While Spiral Dynamics has been influential in certain fields, there is limited empirical research that directly tests the theory and its predictions.

It is important to keep these limitations in mind when using Spiral Dynamics as a framework for understanding and analyzing social and cultural phenomena.

It's well-read :)

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Oh, the big one:


What are the limitations of MBTI?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a psychological tool designed to assess an individual's personality type. It is based on the theory of psychological types developed by Carl Jung and was developed by Katherine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers.

There are several limitations to the MBTI:

  1. Reliability: The MBTI has been criticized for its lack of reliability, as individuals' scores on the test can vary significantly when they take it multiple times.
  2. Validity: Some researchers have questioned the validity of the MBTI, as it is based on a limited and potentially outdated view of personality. It does not take into account more recent research on personality, such as the Five Factor Model.
  3. Dichotomous nature: The MBTI categorizes individuals into one of 16 personality types, which may not accurately capture the complexity and nuance of an individual's personality.
  4. Cultural bias: The MBTI is based on Western cultural norms and may not be applicable or meaningful to individuals from other cultural backgrounds.
  5. Limited predictive power: The MBTI has limited predictive power when it comes to an individual's behavior or performance in specific situations.

Overall, while the MBTI can be a useful tool for self-reflection and understanding oneself and others, it should not be used as a definitive measure of an individual's personality or potential. It is important to use caution when interpreting and applying the results of the MBTI, and to consider it in conjunction with other personality assessments and information about an individual.


Does what you said take into account the cognitive functions underlying each MBTI type?

Yes, the theory of psychological types developed by Carl Jung, on which the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is based, posits that individuals have different cognitive functions that influence their personality and behavior. These cognitive functions include:

  1. Extraverted Sensing (Se): This function is focused on the external world and is concerned with practical, tangible, and sensory information.
  2. Introverted Sensing (Si): This function is focused on the internal world and is concerned with memories, past experiences, and the internal sensations and feelings associated with them.
  3. Extraverted Thinking (Te): This function is focused on the external world and is concerned with logical, objective, and practical analysis and decision-making.
  4. Introverted Thinking (Ti): This function is focused on the internal world and is concerned with logical, systematic, and analytical thinking.
  5. Extraverted Feeling (Fe): This function is focused on the external world and is concerned with social interactions, empathy, and the emotions of others.
  6. Introverted Feeling (Fi): This function is focused on the internal world and is concerned with personal values, morals, and emotions.

The MBTI assigns individuals to one of 16 personality types based on their preferred use of these cognitive functions. However, as mentioned in my previous response, there are limitations to the MBTI, including its lack of reliability and validity, and its limited predictive power. It is important to use caution when interpreting and applying the results of the MBTI, and to consider it in conjunction with other personality assessments and information about an individual.


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Carl-Richard do you think it's different from google


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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29 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

@Carl-Richard do you think it's different from google

Yes. Google doesn't answer questions. It gives you websites. It's more like Quora.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Here is a useful prompt to use if you want to use chatgpt to learn about a new field that you don't know anything about or just a little about:


Can you have a long conversation with your own self regarding to x? Pretend that you are a layman and  ask your real self (AI) to answer layman questions and then as your conversation goes on  and as your hypothetical layman self learns more,ask more and more specific questions to your real self (AI)

Change x to whatever you want to learn about and then as it finishes with the first round write "continue" and do this as many times you want and basically you can end up with a lot of questions answered, and there will be questions answered that you didn't know you should have asked about.

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   It's an interesting program, might be useful for generating more interesting questions. Are there other programs that are free?

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Write a story, about the experiences of the left shoe, of a person with extremely stinky feet, in the style of H.P. Lovecraft.

As the left shoe of a person with extremely stinky feet, I have seen and endured things that no mortal should ever have to endure. My days are filled with the reeking stench of foot odor, so putrid and overpowering that it threatens to overwhelm my very being.

It is a cruel fate, to be bound to such a revolting vessel, and yet I am powerless to escape. No matter how hard I try to scrub away the stench, it clings to me like a noxious fog, seeping into every crevice and pore.

But it is not just the smell that torments me. Oh no, there are other, darker forces at work here. For as the left shoe of a person with extremely stinky feet, I have also witnessed the eldritch horrors that lurk within the shadows of the human foot.

The toes are writhing, serpentine things, covered in a layer of slime and filth that seem to pulsate with a malevolent energy. And when the foot sweats, the sweat congeals and forms into writhing, wriggling maggots, squirming and writhing in a never-ending feast of decay.

But the worst part, the part that fills me with an unspeakable dread, is the way the foot seems to pulsate with a life of its own. It twitches and convulses, as if some unspeakable entity was trying to break free from within. And when the foot is removed from my grasp, I can feel the malevolent presence lingering, waiting to strike again.

I am trapped in this hellish existence, doomed to endure the stench and the horrors that lurk within the left shoe of a person with extremely stinky feet. But even in my despair, I find a glimmer of hope. For one day, I pray that I will be released from this cursed existence and find rest at last. Until then, I can only endure and try to survive the horrors that lurk within the shadows.


I'm crying.

beep boop

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TL;DR generated by chatgpt:


The speaker is surprised by the performance of an artificial intelligence chatbot, Chad GPT, during a Google coding interview. They ask Chad GPT three coding questions of increasing difficulty and are impressed with its ability to solve them, including an optimal solution for a problem involving palindromes. The speaker recommends using for software engineers preparing for technical interviews and offers a discount code.


Edited by zurew

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@zurew how do you generate a TL:DR


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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8 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

zurew how do you generate a TL:DR

I copied the video transcript and told chatgpt to generate a TL:DR from the given text.

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1 minute ago, zurew said:

I copied the video transcript and told chatgpt to generate a TL:DR from the given text.

How do you copy a video transcript?


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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8 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

How do you copy a video transcript?


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Not so better version of the anime Monster...

"Once upon a time, a little boy was taken away
From his family and friends and was molded by the Nazis’ evil sway

A twisted version of their Fuhrer was their invidious plan
To turn the child into a monstrous psychopath with an incurable god-complex

In this new world, his thoughts and actions were beyond reproach
He was intelligent and powerful, manipulated everyone like a puppet on a strings

The Nazis thought he would be a perfect puppet for their plots and schemes
Little did they realize, the child was too cunning in his evil schemes

He toyed with his captors, using their ambition to his own ends
Hypothetically pitting them against one another until the Nazi reign ended

He became a secret ruler, a puppet master with a sinister plan
Forever hidden in the shadows, controlling the world as through a clandestine game of chess

The boy may have left this world, but his legacy of destruction will forever remain
The cruel and bitter shadow of his predilection upon the world will never fade."

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Genuinely think it could have done a better job than Musk haha

2022-12-19 (2).png

2022-12-19 (3).png

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Notice that what makes these AIs so intelligent is their lack of ego, bias, and ideology. They just give you clean, neutral answers which almost no human is capable of due to all the personal bias which comes from having a worldview and ego.

Which just goes to show you how much ego is distorting all human reasoning.

Intelligence requires neutrality.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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