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Real life is becoming more and more like a dream everyday

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Do you ever have those dreams were you're all alone in a quiet place at night?

Perhaps your in a walking in a long stretching corridor in a hospital, with only the fluorescent lights and the echoing sound of your footsteps to keep you company. Only just 30 seconds before you said goodbye to your beloved sister and kissed your newborn neice on her forehead, but between then and now it might as well been millions of years.

Maybe you're idly browsing for food and toiletries in a supermarket 20 minutes before it closes, nabbing the discounted products they usually sell at that time. But, the place is almost so empty and the space so open that you could shop for there forever without feeling you've lost any time. It's yours and yours alone for infinity.

At one time of the day, you're sitting outside of a coffee shop with your dear friend chatting away for a hours at a time. The details don't matter but her company does. Other shops and market stalls are open, people and their carefree children are going about their daily lives and the weather is turning crisp and cold, ready and waiting for wintertime. The sound of that particular merchant chanting variants of "Two packs of bananas for a pound! A pack of grapes for a pound! " is lazor burned into your memory, something that's resonates from the earliest of your childhood. If any time of the day feels alive and busy, it's right now. But you and your friend part ways, promising to meet eachother the same time next week. You go about the rest of your day, doing different things and going to some other places. Like visiting your sister and neice in the hospital or getting the late night deals at Tesco before it closes. Later on in the evening nearing midnight you return the same place as you walk home, but this time it's dark, the shops are closed and the streets are all deserted. All the people you seen that day, including your friend, are all at home in bed and going to sleep. You however are still there, the only one in the world that remembers that this dark place and lonely was full of life and light just hours before.

But it's all okay, no need to be melancholy. It's all just a Dream.

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