
Connect Psychedelic Insight RIGHT NOW to Daily Life & Illusions

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Your Illusory Unconscious Model of Reality

Lets keep it really simple:

When you are in your normie state, you have a certain degree of 'I'm self/human looking at the world, interacting with people and objects'. This is your unconscious model of reality. And to be as blunt as possible, this is a complete delusion of your mind, falsehood, a concoction that appears so real and convincing that you mistakenly believe there is no way out of it.

But thankfully, you probably do know it is possible. Psychedelics show you how you can experience the same couch and TV in God consciousness where the sense of self - separation is completely absent.

How do I bring this insight back to reality so that this persistent illusion is seen to be obviously false?

I want you to realize that this is why you meditate. Stop this highly illusory comparison of 'Meditation VS Psychedelics'.

Ask yourself: What delusions can I taste in sober state with the guidance of psychedelics and meditation? And now that I've tasted them in sober state, what can I do about them to completely transform my mind and the deepest recesses of my psyche?


We'll focus on the sense of doer and experiencer you feel each time you look at the world. Also the inherent sense of being a self but that requires highly advanced practice you can't undertake at this moment as it requires a certain degree of permanent awakening as a baseline.

1- Reducing the Illusion of Doership and Manipulation

Meditation in movement will help you see this illusion more clearly. When you are walking, instead of thinking intutively 'I'm moving my feet and going to the kitchen', try to inutitively feel 'My feet are moving by themselves and there is not even an observer'

To facilitate this more accurate perception, I recommend fixating your gaze forward without too much movement and create a spacious visual sensation. You'll feel as if your field of visual awareness takes more information but less focused on any particular object. A little 'fazed out' feeling is normal and expected initially.

Just keep this mental state of 'Process and movement happens, there is no controller, no observer and no doer'.

Maintain this each time you walk and move, eat, move the spoon, talk, look at people etc.

An effortlessness needs to arise as if a great burden is lifted.

 2- Reducing the Illusion of Experiencer of Experience

Unfortunately, this is the more challenging insight you'll have to repeatedly cultivate to grasp it. Basically the culmination of no experiencer will result in the first stage of permanent awakening: stream entry.

I suggest REPEATEDLY doing the practice of reducing doership I've outlined above and doing the same process to breathing in meditation or any other formal practice (etc Im not breathing. The breathing occurs without my involvement) once that is extremely clear in both meditation and daily life, now ask:

'Who is experiencing? Who is looking?'

Maintain this formal practice until you awaken. Along with constant daily practice of reducing doership. Let this practice awaken you and dont manipulate the process with distractions.

But if you do get distracted by stuff, remember how much better life was with this practice and re-align yourself with it.


Much love,

Edited by ardacigin

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Fundamentally, this is really different not all that different when it comes down to what we’re doing with our attention when we’re holding a koan or maintaining self-inquiry or surrender 24/7. Which must be maintained every waking moment as that is the practice. 

Edited by kieranperez

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3 hours ago, kieranperez said:

Fundamentally, this is really different not all that different when it comes down to what we’re doing with our attention when we’re holding a koan or maintaining self-inquiry or surrender 24/7. Which must be maintained every waking moment as that is the practice. 

The key practice here is the 'Doership' technique I've outlined above. It is a daily practice you must undertake and doesnt require the unnecessary 'Who am I?' question constantly.

You need to get the intuitive grasp of reducing the sense of being a self in motion and stillness, not repeat the question like a mantra and hope that with fluke luck, you establish the god consciousness. You need to see this insight hundreds of times as you move, walk, talk to people etc.

Then you sit down in meditation and ask 'Who am I?' Now you'll start to contemplate thanks to the doership technique which is something you've been doing whenever you are in movement and/or doing something. (which is 90% of your day)

1 hour a day of self enquiry/meditation wont compute. The remaining 23 hours will reinforce all the wrong perceptions. This technique is only powerful if you do BOTH the doership and experiencer training I've described simultaneously.

Edited by ardacigin

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What is your take on energy transmission? Before my fully spontaneous awakening, I used to listen to people like Rupert Spira and Alan Watts while falling asleep.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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17 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

What is your take on energy transmission? Before my fully spontaneous awakening, I used to listen to people like Rupert Spira and Alan Watts while falling asleep.

It is great. Certainly it makes it more likely to awaken compared to 'just' dozing off ;) 

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1 hour ago, ardacigin said:

It is a daily practice you must undertake and doesnt require the unnecessary 'Who am I?' question constantly.

You misunderstand self inquiry. Self inquiry is fundamentally not about the question and constantly repeating some question to yourself. The practice can be described and expressed many ways but to assume self inquiry boils down to just asking yourself “who am I?” all the time you fundamentally misunderstand the nature of the practice.

Self inquiry or working with koans is not something you do for just duration of the time you’re on the cushion. As I already said in the last post but will say again, it’s every waking fucking moment. Eventually the inquiry and investigation or meditation starts doing you as its nature is not about a question. It breaks you open. It is the undoing and the unraveling of the illusion “I” on a cellular level. There is no break from it.

Abd fundamentally its nature is no different than classic Soto Zen instructions of “when walking, just walk. When hot, be hot. When cold, be cold. When working, just work.” These are fundamentally still insight practices. It’s nature is no different than maintaining mindfulness  24/7 that eventually seeps into sleep.

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@kieranperez Yeah. Thats exactly what I recommend people do. I just wanted to make sure no one is using the technique as a mantra. That would be false. This post is basically a practice of how to do  self enquiry in stillness and in motion.

Much love,

Edited by ardacigin

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