
Help with intense kundhalini

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It started a week ago maybe with this feeling as the boundaries of I are mixing with the space around me. Then two nights ago I felt this intense energy while singing as if it can shoot out the top of my head. I was frightened and I thought it will be temporary. Now it has been building it feels like with more and more intensity. I feel like my whole nervous system can shake from how intense it is. I have felt hot and cold energy in my spine. I feel as if I can make out vivid images of galaxies stars planets ect. I feel love and peace and bliss then Intensist as if my body is being ripped apart. It is super debilitating and I don't know what to do. Does anyone know about this or any it is day 3 and I feel it building as I wake up. It it is hard to talk, or do anything. Anyone know how long it can last or how to slow it down. I am not on any substances nor do I have a history of psychosis  

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You are an individual, unique wave. You'll find it out. I'm also on this path. Some kriyas almost.., no, they literally left your mind, what you think you are, miles away and shift you (? - got a problem with naming it...) to diffrent dimensions of reality. Out of body (?), out of familiar space and time (?). Space is expanding... I need time to integrate all this experiences. This what thinks "me" dies once a  week at least. More often I don't know who am I... but I realize every time I know this state.. Kundalini kriyas and meditations are super powerful tools if one is able to overcome never-stop-talking mind, pain in body and stay with breath no matter what. Breath is the way...

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It's a full package journey. No shortcuts, which are trademarks of an "instant gratification culture" of western world.

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17 minutes ago, Kuba Powiertowski said:

It's a full package journey. No shortcuts, which are trademarks of an "instant gratification culture" of western world.

If I could find out how to go back I would 

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Someone who knows about kundalini help ?

Who teaches us whats real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?Who chain us? And who holds the Key that can set us free? 

It's you.

You have all the weapons you need 

Now fight.

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You practice kundalini yoga. I mean You practice. Doing following kriyas for 40 days in a row and so on. You eat, sleep properly. I have this privilege to attend to Denis Raj Param classes. That is teacher's responsibility and duty to prepare your body-mind system for thousand of symptoms you may experience, and anyway, spontaneous awaking of kundalini energy may happen at any time. You should contact your teacher, or if you practice on your own (or not at all), find  one as soon as possible. I don't know what breathing methods do you know but breathing 3 times per minute (10 sec inhale, 10 sec exhale) for a minimum 3 minutes, 3 times per day should help maybe - but what do I know... You may extend this intervals or cut them for your comfort. When I experience weird or strange states I focus on this simple breathing method, focus on breathe and observe this energy... But, yes, you should find professional advice. If kundalini serpent has awaken in you - my sincere congratulations? Everything is ok??

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With inhale you get everything you need, with exhale you get rid of everything you don't need. Imagine this process as you breathe

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Pretty jumbled up repetitive text and info but it's all about the same thing that worked for me so good luck:

Dry fasting or normal fasting
Carnivore or dirty/clean keto or low inflammation foods and try not to get constipation all to force grounding if it gets too disturbing at one point, you can just do it when it gets bad
Eat lots of food of what you're already eating or much less, of course don't eat agitating food like fast food or super high in sugar or alchool/etc
Just switch something up on your diet after a fast, it's more intuitive
Take warm showers more than usual whenever you feel like it even if it doesn't make normal common sense, of course don't do things that you can't afford

Basically you do a lot of something specific and/or completely drop doing certain things for awhile
Try fasting somewhere between 4/5/6 days before the super new/full moons, or whenever it's on the closer side, distant moon tends to be safer and of course watch how the energy shifts so you can fast on the full moon if you really need to, the moon phase is 3 days around the actual day so this month it would be 8/9/10 so I'm not sure how it works with others with unbalanced energy but the closest full moons tend to be blissful when I'm prepared just through diet but for new moon you kind need more activity rather than passive preparation I still haven't figured this one out, so maybe you'll feel more of this unbalance on the full moon? The calmest days tend to be 4/5/6 days after the full moon or the new moon but I've only noticed this 2 months ago so I'm still trying to confirm, I don't want to be a slave to moon phases of course it's just for fun and for when it gets bad.
There's other stuff but it's specific to me so it could be dangerous this should be enough.
I went through some of your posts and I can assume you're well off so there's probably a ton of other stuff that's even easier and effective that I don't know about.

Carnivore/keto or/and fasting/empty bowels and frequent bowel movements, super simple and direct just to calm energies down, simple walking after a full day fast is also pretty easy.
Just find some simple food, like salmon or kefir or maybe chia seeds with yogurt or lots of either 1 type of vegetables or 1 type of fruit , either 1 type or 2 types of foods max(don't mix fruit, dairy vegetables, meat or fish in the same day) with the minimum seasoning. I mix rice or potatoes with eggs or with meat or fish and it's fine, either eat a lot but simple or very little and simple, I've been eating very little lately to manage myself and prepare for the full moon, of course you only really need to do this when it gets bad it's not a mandatory ritual, follow your intuition after a full day fast, preferably dry but comfortability is the priority it depends on you(24+ hours so that it includes one sleep cycle) with simplicity in mind first.


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You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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Min 6:00

I went through something similar, meaning spiritual madness after I opened my third eye and crown chakra accidentally. I needed to close it vastly again because I would go crazy without proper preparation. Effects lasted 3 weeks. 

I would recommend you based on what helped me. 

First thing is to stop all spiritual practices. Dont read any shit until you get grounded again. Dont come to the forum much either. Dont contemplate. And dont stress much reading about Kundalini problems. 

Eat at least 3 times a day. Get lazy and junky. I would recommend KFC with coca cola. You need to feel as physical as possible. 

Distract yourself as much as possible with TV and series. Try to be surrounded by people as much as you can too. If you are having trouble sleeping, ask someone in your house to sleep with you and buy some melatonin to lower the higher frequencies. And keep a lamp on so you dont go tripping while dreaming. Also, some light walking can help. If possible try if worrying a lil bit about chores and stuff you need to do works, since this will lower your frequency. Basically, you need a little negativity. Anger could help if you know how to manage it properly. 

Go to the therapist as I did. Never get into hard core spirituality without having a therapist open to spirituality and a guru, at least online. If you need rest and cant work properly, tell your psyquiatrist to make you a stress license so you can rest properly. 

Also, maybe reiki could help, not sure. 

Lastly, pray to Jesus, Hanuman and Angels for divine protection, guidance and healing. You have to sincerely do this in recognition of their higher power for it to work, which is what mostly helped me. If you know of people who are hardcore believers, ask them to have you in their prayers for healing aswell. 

Best of wishes. 

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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