
What is beauty?

8 posts in this topic

I have been contemplating for some time now what beauty is, and I think I've reached some sort of a conclusion.

What is beauty?
Beauty is unity or intelligent design. 
Absolute Infinite Beauty is total nondual unity of consciousness that is infinitely intelligent.

When we find something beautiful it is due to the unity of the thing. The unity is the intelligent design, it is the intelligence itself.
When we see a beautiful painting, it is not the individual brush strokes or small areas of paint that we find beautiful,
but the intelligent and unified composition of the thing as a whole. 
The way the brush strokes and areas are connected, is what makes the whole beautiful.
It is the whole thing that is beautiful, not necessarily any specific part of it.

Or take poetry for example, we find the words joined together as beautiful, they become larger than the individual words in any other order.
Only when they are arranged in an intelligent way are they connected, then they are unity of the coherent sentence, that we in the end find beautiful.
When we hear a beautiful song, it is not the individual notes that we find beautiful, but how they are unified in an intelligent way.
If you have random sounds joined together at random, this does not sound beautiful to us, but like a mess. Why?
Because unity is not just a random thing of joined parts, it is an intelligent design. There is no unity without intelligence.
It's not just about meshing together smaller units into bigger ones, its about making the whole greater than the parts.
When the whole is greater than the parts, then it is unified. For example, the notes cannot be random, they have to be connected.
Because unity is just connection. So when things are connected in an intelligent way, we find that thing beautiful.

And isn't physical attraction just based on wanting to unify with someone through sex? The unification of two bodies as one.
Since unity is just connection, when we want to be with someone beautiful, listen to beautiful music, are we just not wanting to connect with these things? In fact isn't anything beautiful to us something that we feel connected towards, because we can see the intelligent design of the thing, we can see the unity in the thing?
The reason we usually find death, disease, and so on ugly is that we supposedly lose our connection and unity through them. 
When you die, you are no longer connected to this world as a human. So to our mind this is an ugly and a bad thing, not a beautiful thing, because we supposedly lose the connection and unity.
But actually death is the ultimate unification of apparently finite consciousness into infinite consciousness, it is a very beautiful thing.
This is why death is beautiful, it is because it actually is the most unifying event that there is.

When there is some random mess, we do not find this beautiful, because it is not unified or connected in any way, and we do not see an intelligent design in it. At least to our mind there is no intelligent design.
Our mind is flawed because it only sees certain patterns as beautiful. 
But every single thing is unified by consciousness, aka love, which means everything is beautiful.
Consciousness is what everything has in common, it is what unifies every different experience.
And all the beautiful things are happening inside consciousness, and as consciousness is greater than any parts of it,
then that implies that consciousness is actually more beautiful than any of the beautiful things in it.
Consciousness is also infinitely connected, infinitely unified as one, so it is infinitely beautiful.
It is the ultimately beautiful thing, far grander than any single beautiful thing in it.

All intelligent designs are unions of connected parts that bring about a greater whole than the individual components. It doesn't matter what these parts are, they can be cells of the body, notes of a song, words of a sentence, the elements of a scene, or so on. But even separation is actually a unity inside an even greater unity. Separation is a mechanic inside nondual unity, which has been very intelligently designed, so apparent separation is a very beautiful thing too. It should also be noted that everything can be subdivided infinitely, so there is the possibility of seeing infinite levels of beauty in everything, because to realize just how intelligently designed any part of reality is, is very beautiful.

Although this post did not go very deep into beauty, I think it should give some sort of idea of what beauty is, namely unity, connection, and intelligent design. You can also go deeper into it, where all of this is actually equated or realized to just be love itself, so in a way beauty is just love. Love is intelligent. Beauty is also just infinity, because this is infinity, and beauty is just infinity itself. Beauty is consciousness itself, which is of course the ultimate union, the ultimate intelligent design.


Do you have a different view on what beauty is? I would love to hear what you think beauty is.

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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2 hours ago, Romanov said:


I don't know about this one. I can even now appreciate an object as an object and find it beautiful. In fact I collect various types of objects and regularly look at them for their beauty... and I look at them as objects.

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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putting things together well

god loves it all

but wants even better

that is be-you-to-full

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It must be recognition of perfection, if you look at things we find beautiful. We find things beautiful when there is nothing about those things we find offputting... We find things ugly when we find the thing abhorrent.

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