
Discerning Unconscious Vs Conscious Symbols

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Re: Leo's insight about evolving out of perpetual unconscious symbols

Obviously if you too are a "creative-type": an artist, story-teller, poet, filmmaker, etc you realize the value, importance, beauty, etc in symbolism. I would never want to eliminate this....but I see what Leo is saying...and I very much live in the typical, (if not more so) fantasy-land with endless ridiculous symbols. So, how do we recognize unconscious symbols if we are not conscious of them. Does mindfulness alone work to eventually spot and dispel them?

What about things like sacred geometry, clocks that seem to have a significant time, etc...Which symbols are ok to see the universal connection etc in...and which will take me further out of "reality", and how do I discern?


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They're all unconscious if you're not conscious of what symbols ARE.

Which is why, for millennia, religions have used the most beautiful and conscious-seeming symbols for all manner of evil. The problem is not in the symbols, but in the fact that you aren't aware of what symbols are.

Also, this is a problem of the good getting in the way of the great. Notice how you don't want to give up symbols because you like them so much, but what you may not realize is how much MORE you will like the non-symbolic experience of reality.

The most beautiful art of all time is peanuts compared to nonsymbolic experience. Doesn't even come 1% close in beauty. It's like a child's crayon drawing compared to a Van Gogh or Picasso.

You have to muster the courage to empty your cup before it can be filled with something better.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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There are no sacred symbols. Theres just symbols. You could find divinity and truth in an ugly shaped potato. Everything comes down to perception and  amount of emotional attachment to it. 

Less is more

Memento Mori 

Flow With Life

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Make up a symbol for you. Draw it on paper. Contemplate that it represents you - where you are, what you've been through, where you know you're going. Make it a symbol of the most important things to you. When you're done making it, really look at it and give it all the importance that you can. Say to yourself - this symbol represents me, it is me. If someone disses this symbol,they are dissing me. Then, walk outside and light the paper on fire, and let go. 




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regarding the whole sacred symbols stuff. It's fascinating for sure, I haven't researched it too greatly - but immediately I recognize that it is nothing but patterns that arise from a patterned foundation. It's quite unsurprising that there's something which seems eerily meaningful, regardless of what that something is - patterns beget more patterns. just play a note in three-beat and another note in four-beat and notice how fascinating of a pattern that creates. This sort of thing is pretty much par for the course. 

Of course, pattern recognition is basically an abstraction at its finest - so working on your skills in pattern recognition could be a powerful skill to develop. there will be meaning in the so-called sacred geometry - meaning that our complex minds create in order to better process the worlds we experience. 

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Does sleeping with a self-help book on my bedside table, would makes me having benefit from it ?

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idk how helpful this will be, but it explains one aspect of it.
idk how to help you discern which are delusions and which are not.
Feedback loops, but with everything, all things.

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@eskwire It was one of Leo's new insights, they are on the actualized site, first tab....this it was just as much of a mind-fuck for me as this roles thing because I'm one of those way too into symbols type people...lol....

@Nahm that might actually help...and I do like a good ceremonial burning release too!...is that more symbols?

@Leo Gura, thank you, I think I have to read that a number of times to absorb it all, but the art reference alone clarifies!

@Trond the potato reference is surprisingly helpful - to get this concept, I'm just not evolved enough to "believe" it yet...

@aryberry Have you seen those musical instruments where you sing into a tube, and a layer of sand makes amazing geometric patterns? I can't remember what they are called just now, but I think you'd like them. (I am likely perpetuating the symbol significance here again)

@Soulbass this is so true, on so many levels...and I know you are right...but I'm also so deep into the symbol and energetic thing...that book, as an object, although most beneficial when read....seems to me like it may still have an energetic/symbolic benefit based on it's history, composition, visuals on the cover, etc...I know, I'm terribly lost in "symbol", "underlying perceived meaning/ energy" crap...wanting to be more in reality, also wondering if I'd loose some wonderland beauty in life, and be left with dull nothingness ....but also trusting Leo is likely on to something, and my wonderland is probably only 1% of the real deal...

@Whywolf Thanks so much! Yes, discerning is my like my greatest nemesis and my greatest teacher right now!



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