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The absurd hypocrisy of the Atheism/Rationalism combination: The belief in one life

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Somewhat coincidentally (or maybe not?) Leo just made a video about the topic of double standards and hypocrisy. Here's another one for you. I wanted to make a separate topic for this since I've already held the idea to post this longer in my mind and i think it's a very significant counterargument to the idea that there would only be one life; That hte body is just all you are, and that after you die, there will be nothing.

Even more interested that I am by providing my counterargument against that, I even relish more in the fact of pointing out the hypocrisy and the absurdity of someone who considers themselves to be an atheist and a rationalist at the same time, which is a very common combination. Most likely, someone who is an atheist is probably also a rationalist and vice versa. They tend to go hand in hand.

So what is this so-called absurd hypocrisy I'm talking about? And why do I dare to go as far as to call it absurd? Because the notion that there is only one life is statistically completely impossible. The same actually also goes for the notion that you would end up either in hell or in heaven after this life, even apart from the fact that there is is no fairness or logic whatsoever in the fact that you would either be in a place where everything is stunningly awesome and blissful or absolutely awful and horrendous for eternity for whatever you're able to do or not do in this finite lifespan. But at least these religions that claim that there is a heaven and hell are at least not hypocrites; Or at the very least not at the same level as people who are both Rationalist and Atheists.

Rationalists claim that reality can be best understood by using rational logic. Atheists belief there is no God, no afterlife, and no soul that lives on after death. 

But think about this though: How is there statistically even more than exactly 0% chance that in this 80 years or so that you're alive on this earth that you would even happen to exist at all were it not for the fact that you as a conscious being existed for eternity? Because existence is eternally long, and something finite —no matter how much of that finite thing or quality there is— it still will always be 0% compared to infinity or eternity.

Let me repeat that just so it sinks in: Statistically, the chance that you would be alive right now in this body is exactly 0% if you would only have one life.

And I don't care about your argument that existence started with the Big Bang. The Big Bang as far as I'm concerned is just a fallacy of an argument to cover up that existence can only be eternal. How can somehow something come out of completely nothing, but then actually absolutely completely nothing? I'm not even talking about nothing in a material sense, but also nothing in an energetical sense, and nothing in a metaphysical sense, and really nothing in any sense whatsoever; Not even out of Godly potential or whatever, because even THAT is a something in the way I speak of it now (and atheists don't believe in God anyway so what does that matter?). How can then suddenly something arise out of absolutely, ABSOLUTELY nothing? That's totally absurd.

And even if you were to dismiss all of what I just said the chance of your existence if there were only one life would still not be more than 0.000000001% or something like that.

So that's where the absurd hypocrisy is at with people who would consider themselves to be both Rationalist and Atheists. They believe there is no God and no Afterlife and no soul that lives on after their body is dead, and they also believe that if there were some reason to belief in a life after their body has gone that there needs to be proof of it, but they completely forsake the fact that mathematically speaking the chance of them existing right here right now is exactly 0%.

But isn't Rationalism supposed to be... rational? And isn't the argument I just made about the chance of them existing that it is 0% if there was only one life, isn't that argument fully and completely rational? And isn't mathematics and logical linear thinking like I just did part of what rationalists consider to be so valuable and sacred?

I think it is. And if that is so, then either these so-called rationalists who are also atheists have three choices if they want to drop their absurd hypocrisy on this point.

Firstly they could drop their rationalism, and just be atheistic and be happily ever after completely irrational about the notion that there would only be one life

Secondly they could drop their atheism, meaning they still maintain their right to call themselves rational, but they have to abolish the idea that there would only be one life which will be gone after the body has died.

Thirdly, and I would recommend this one, is that they can drop BOTH their atheism and rationalism, and open themselves up the the notion that not everything in existence and not everything of Truth can be grasped and accessed through reason and logic alone, and that there is also no need to reduce themselves to just something material without anything deeper going on here.


Edited by Nightwise

Instead of trying to make the right decision, make your decisions right.

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Agreed, to say that they stand for rationalism is irrational in that they have the most incoherent worldview that there is.

In all the great traditions around the world they say that God is Being which is existence as such, not in a particular form really but the fullness of Being, which materialism and atheism have no answer for, also, the traditions speaks about Conciousness, which also is a big problem for atheism and materialists.

Also Love as such is a problem, which in its nature transcends both time and space.

God is the fullness of Being , Conciousness, Bliss/Love, which in God they all come together as ONE.

We humans seek the Good, the True and the Beatiful. 

Only a infinite source can satiate our desires really.



Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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On 8/30/2022 at 0:50 PM, Nightwise said:

Statistically, the chance that you would be alive right now in this body is exactly 0% if you would only have one life.

But they will acknowledge that there are billions of lives of other creatures. And so the chances that you would be any one of them is pretty high.

Of course that's all silly because you are God, you have no life per se, and your existence is 100% Absolute.

The notion of "lives" is problematic and needs to be transcended. Your existence is not a life. Your existence is Absolute Truth.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

But they will acknowledge that there are billions of lives of other creatures. And so the chances that you would be any one of them is pretty high.

Of course that's all silly because you are God, you have no life per se, and your existence is 100% Absolute.

The notion of "lives" is problematic and needs to be transcended. Your existence is not a life. Your existence is Absolute Truth.

That does not adress EXISTENCE as such, BEING, not what particular forms it might take.

Existence as such is impossible in a naturalist view really, that worldview is completely incoherent.

Not saying you dont already know this, but just saying.


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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Check this debate out, pretty interesting.

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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Stage orange worldviews are only possible if you are deeply entrenched into rational and cultural dogma. Any serious person who spends a few hours contemplating existence would come to the conclusion that atheism is one of the most ignorant worldviews out there. It's like you said; Even logically it doesn't make sense. The irony.

On 8/30/2022 at 9:50 PM, Nightwise said:

And I don't care about your argument that existence started with the Big Bang.

It's actually a common misconception amongst laymen that the Big Bang model supposedly explains the origin of existence. Scientists don't claim it caused the origin of existence but rather it describes the emergence of the present universe from a pre-existing state. Science has no clue about the "origin of existence" because of the cultural blind spots and scientific dogma.

Also, these rational/atheist types are some of the most ignorant, closed-minded and arrogant people I've ever met. This arrogance is just part of stage orange I guess.

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